4 | not so sweet apple

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"i'm impressed. furious, but impressed."

jimin's scared act was over with. jk scared him, but it was only because he genuinely thought his life was going to end. now that that moment was over, he realised he really doesn't want to take jk's shit. so there he stood, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, as jk gave him an unreadable stare.

"so you'll talk to me now, right?" jk rubbed his chin in an annoyingly attractive way, making jimin's stomach flutter. the rebel shrugged. "i'm sorry about the act, okay? it was min's idea. he just wanted to help me out."

jimin felt himself blush as he thought about the kiss with jungkook. it was replaying in his mind non-stop, he doesn't think its stopped since it happened. but jimin doesn't like jungkook, he's into his best friend taehyung. the guy who shares his birth year, has a beautiful box smile, a personality that could charm his way into anyone's heart, a duality that could kill— he's into him, has been for months.

wasn't he?

"shh." jimin was brought out of his thoughts as jk stood up, walking towards him. jk was much taller than jimin, the height difference making him raise his head higher than usual. "you've proved your loyalty, jimin. i can give you my time."

jimin slowly turned his head towards jungkook, who was talking to kookie and minnie, a big bunny smile on his face. he looked so cute in jimin's mind, but he didn't know if it was more than a friend type of cute. jungkook was just... cute. anyone would think the same.

the said boy faced jimin while the other two's backs were turned to him. jimin felt his heart ache as he saw jungkook glance up to him, a dewy glow covering him as his eyes sparked. he likes jungkook, he really does, but... probably not the way jungkook likes him. or maybe he does and doesn't want to admit it; jimin doesn't know, but maybe he'll give jungkook, or one of them, a chance.

"great." jimin deadpanned, eyes not leaving jungkook, who was playing hand games with the other two. min was sleeping a few feet away, looking peaceful and unbothered by the noise.

jk remained standing, running his hand through his fire red hair as he arched an eyebrow. "um, you good?" jimin didn't respond, so jk shook his shoulder, making him turn. "i thought you
wanted to talk. seems like you don't even wanna listen now."

"sorry," jimin mumbled, eyes to the floor. "it's just– i have something on my mind."

"wanna talk about it?" that made jimin confused, raising his head as he gave jk a puzzled look. "what?"

"you don't seem like– well, i thought–"

"assholes can have hearts too, y'know."

jimin chuckled, feeling warm inside. it was just like a movie– the bad boy attracting the one that hates him the most. jimin didn't want to fall into his deep, dark brown eyes, but the more he stared, the farther he dove, the thought of coming up for air not reaching his mind.

until min tapped his shoulder, a concerned look on his face.

"babe, we're in the middle of–"

"it's important."

and next thing jimin knew, he was being pulled a few feet away from jk, joining a circle with him and min. jimin was confused, as they both had worried faces, like they had the worst thought in their heads.

jimin laughed from confusion, an unsure smile taking over his lips. "guys? what's going on?" min and minnie gave each other a look, making him start to worry too. "what? what is it?"

jimin's heart rate increased as they gave him intense gazes, the sensation of adrenaline flowing through his body. it scared him a little, and jimin had to try not to kick them away in reflex.

"kim taehyung."

jimin's body froze. "how do you–"

"i liked him before kook," min interrupted, his gaze softening. "he was such a charmer with his looks and flirty conversations. it was no wonder i fell for him at the time."

"mine was different," minnie said with a slight pout, fiddling with his fingers. "he was very bubbly and cute, and always gave me my favorites snacks during lunch. he was so sweet to me and gave me hugs whenever i needed them..."

minnie faded off, leaving jimin to bring up a question. "did you guys date him?" they both nodded and jimin felt his heart swell with happiness. "well, that's great isn't it? i don't see why you two are so sad about it."

min sighed, "if it was great, we wouldn't be with jungkook."

"i don't understand."

"taehyung is a psycho. you can't trust him, jimin." minnie touched his knee, eyes glossy. "don't let his smile fool you. please, don't go with him to the party when he asks you."

jimin couldn't even think, only able to stutter out, "w-what p-party?"

"don't run into him on friday and you won't have to find out," min answered. "choose jungkook. he'll ask you to go eat with him and you have to say yes. he's the one you're meant to be with, jimin. we would know."

"but how do i know if what taehyung did to you will happen to me? maybe it doesn't happen in all the universes. maybe in this one i'm supposed to be with him."

"please don't give yourself that chance," minnie said with teary eyes.


"tell us you didn't feel anything when you kissed jungkook." jimin turned towards min, heart fluttering again. just the words kiss and jungkook in the same sentence can make him react. "say you didn't feel that spark like when i, or minnie, did when we kissed him for the first time. say you didn't."

jimin wanted to open his mouth and deny it, but he couldn't. he felt the spark throughout his entire body and limb, there was no way he could push the idea as something else. he wanted jungkook to hold onto him and never let go, wanted to kiss him forever, wanted to give him his all and not hold back. he wanted jungkook with every bone in his body.

"i felt it," jimin said with a small voice, closing his eyes as he said the next part. "but i stiill wanna try with taehyung."

minnie sniffed, tears ready to pour down his face at the thought. he stood up and ran towards kookie, who opened his arms and let minnie cry on his shirt, holding it tight with his fingers as kookie rubbed the small of his back.

min took let out a long, heavy sigh, feeling weight on his body that caused him to ache. "can't say we didn't warn you, jimin." and then he left, walking up to jk and pulling him into a tight hug. jk didn't question it, only stroked his boyfriend's hair and hugged him back.

jimin was left alone on the floor, not wanting to look up at jungkook, who craved for jimin to run into his arms and hold him tight, just like the others did. just like he's always dreamed of.

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