2 | sweet like candy

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"does he really have to go on a date with kookie? i don't wanna let him go for too long. i'll miss his cuddles, his hugs, his sweet little kisses! his cute fluffy hair, oh and his soft lips-"

"god, shut the fuck up. you're making my ears bleed."

minnie pouted, stomping his foot like a small child not getting what they want. he crossed his arms as he side glanced at jk. "you're not very nice."

jk just rolled his eyes. he was annoyed by the piece of cotton candy next to him, who was constantly complaining about kookie being with jimin. he just wanted this over with. he didn't even care whether jimin liked him or not because he had min and he didn't want anyone else.

they all watched kookie, who looked very uncomfortable, walk away with jimin. the tension was so strong that they couldn't even talk to each other, not to mention look at the other in the eyes. kookie just kept glancing at minnie, his eyes obviously sad that he wasn't with him instead.

"i'm sorry," jimin said suddenly, catching kookie's attention.

"a-about what?"

"i know you wanna be with your actual boyfriend rather than me at the moment. you don't have to pretend, kookie," jimin smiled softly, and kookie was kind of shocked.

jimin was caring and considerate, he noticed, only from hearing three sentences. he feels bad for a second, looking at minnie and smiling as he waved one more time. his boyfriend waved back, but no smile on his face, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit worse.

"i just... i don't wanna cheat on minnie with... another minnie."

jimin made an 'o' with his mouth, giving kookie a gentle gaze. "it's okay. can we at least be friends and talk?"

kookie smiled and jimin felt like he was being drowned in warm honey. "yeah. i'd like that."

then they sat down and started talking. for their personalities not exactly matching, they had quite a lot in common. kookie was the kind of person to be shy at first, but started to show more of himself as jimin kept talking to him. his voice was smooth, his smile was breathtaking, and his personality correlated to that completely.

"i wish there were stars," jimin sighed as his eyes stayed up. they were in a room of some sort, or wherever they were looked like a room at least. "star gazing is something i like to do to relax myself."

"do you not feel relaxed?" kookie asked quickly with worry, which made jimin giggle and turn his eyes to him.

"no, i do. i just like to think of the stars as my friends. they're always there when i need someone to talk to." jimin layed himself on the ground, putting his arm behind his head as a pillow. "sometimes i feel lonely and just need something that i know will never go away."

kookie nodded his head, forming his lips into a pout. "i didn't know people talked to the stars anymore. i thought minnie and i were the only ones."

"your jimin does it too?" kookie nodded again. "why am i surprised?" jimin giggled and kookie joined him, copying his position of the floor and staring into jimin's eyes.

"you shouldn't be. you're just like him, but in a cool kind of way. i can see why your jungkook likes you."

it was comfortable silence that made the atmosphere. jk, min, and minnie were all asleep, but jungkook was watching closely at the situation. it really was like he was watching his own dreams before him, just him and jimin together and enjoying each other's presence.

so why was he sad when he saw jimin smile at kookie? it was him afterall, not a whole person entirely, but jungkook still felt his heart ache like it was someone else with jimin. he wanted to be kookie so bad, but he just sits back as his heart pained from the scene a few feet away from him.

"can you? why is that?" jimin asked with a soft voice.

"well, you're cool, talented, and really sweet. you're even a little weird, but jungkook probably likes that the most about you." jimin's cheeks dusted with pink as a bright smile formed on his lips. kookie chuckled, watching the sight in awe. "you should give him a chance, jimin-hyung. except, i should warn you. i- he can get a little interesting."

"what do you mean?"

"if you date him, you'll find out yourself."

jimin laughed and shoved kookie's shoulder jokingly, leaving his hand dangerously close to the other. jimin didn't notice how close they were until kookie adjusted himself and he could feel his breath slipping through his lips. suddenly he felt warm all over and couldn't help but smile at kookie.

"i'm sure minnie loves you a lot," he nearly whispered. "do you think i could ever love jungkook like that?"

"well, you're going to love one of us, right?" kookie raised himself and leaned on one arm, resting his head against his palm. "so, in a way, i guess you already do. it just depends on which him you like the most."

jimin sighed through his nose, turning towards jungkook, who had quickly spinned his whole body around, lowering his head as he horribly pretended like he wasn't just watching their entire coversation. it made jimin giggle, seeing how jungkook had kookie's shy side, and he found himself liking that side of him.

he turned back towards kookie, giving him a hug from his position on the ground. "thank you, kookie. i didn't know i needed to hear that."

kookie hugged back, a soft smile on his face, making his eyes crease slightly. "anything for you, hyung."

jimin's breath hitched in surprise by that. he slowly removed himself from kookie's arms, looking down at the ground. "jungkook says that to me too."

"is that a bad thing?"

"not exactly. it just gives me butterflies." jimin went quiet for a few seconds, shaking his head and smiling. "when did the conversation get so sad?"

"i don't know the exact time, buuut, it was probably when you asked if you could ever love jungkook like how minnie loves me," kookie joked, exaggerating his words and voice as he spoke.

that made jimin go into a whole giggling frenzy. he was literally rolling on the floor, irises no where to be seen, and jungkook couldn't help but smile at the sight. he walked over and crouched in front of him, a silly smile displayed on jimin's face.

"enjoying yourself, goof?" jungkook asked, not being able to contain the big smile that wouldn't falter. jimin nodded, resting a hand on jungkook's knee as his giggling fit turned into tired breaths. "so, what do you think? am i still in the lead?" jimin went quiet, a small smirk forming on the corner of his lips.

"i'll get back to you on that one."

why i outta-

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