6 | taehyung

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taehyung is confused, but his slightly druken state doesn't let him process everything clearly, nor does it stop him from giving jungkook a big hug.

or the sad look jimin and jungkook shared during the action.

jimin's cheeks are heating up and his heart rate has increased. taehyung hasn't even spoken a word to him, nor spared him a glance, but oh is jimin drowing in taehyung.

a beautiful pool full of taehyung.

"h-hyung? what're you doing here?" jungkook asks, wanting to glare at seokjin, who just disappeared at the perfect time.

"i have no idea, man, but wherever we are, i like it." taehyung leans his body weight leaning on jungkook as he drunkly giggles. his eyes are glossy and his smile is wide, perfectly white teeth shining in the light. his grey eyes catch jimin beside him, who has been quietly observing the situation.

"and who is this attractive friend of yours that's hiding from me the whole time, jungkookie?" taehyung releases himself from jungkook; a drunk, but beautiful smile on his face. "don't be shy, love. i don't bite, i swear."

jimin's blush deepened, a shy giggle spilling from his lips as he kept a conversation going.

meanwhile, jungkook just stood back and watched. jealously is flowing through his body like hot lava on land, but it shouldn't be, should it? jimin's just a little crush who so happens to have a crush on his best friend. totally normal, right?

but when jungkook watches taehyung flirt with jimin so easily, graze his fingers against his cheek with little force but makes jimin melt instantly, he realises it really is normal.

for a person who's about to lose their mind over their best friend making his crush melt into the fucking floor by breathing.

just as jungkook was about to clear his throat, his eyes glance over to the other people in the room— jk, min, minnie, and kookie. min and minnie's eyes are wide and their boyfriend's are just the same. jungkook lets that sink in, and realises that taehyung is facing in their direction, but hasn't made a single acknowledgement towards them.

it's either because he's too busy flirting his jimin or seokjin casted some sort of "spell" so taehyung can't see them. and for the sake of his own heart, he chooses the latter.

"sorry to interrupt you two, but i need to talk to jimin-hyung for a moment," jungkook says with a fake smile, pulling jimin towards the others.

"h-hey! but i wasn't done talking to–"

"yes, you were."

jimin lets out a little gasp at jungkook's sudden dark, dominant voice. he's never heard jungkook speak like that. ever. something must be wrong for jungkook to sound like that.

"jungkook, are you okay? you sound upset."

"i'm fine." jungkook's voice doesn't ease up, his tongue poking his inner cheek as he looks away from jimin.

"but you–"

"i said i'm fine, damnit! just leave it alone!"

jimin's eyes widen at jungkook's sudden outburst, but his lips quickly formed a thin line to keep quiet. the other four stared at him for a few seconds before speaking, a little surprised at what he just did.

"he can't see us or hear us, can he?" min asks, to which jungkook shakes his head. "then let's all whisper. it'll make communication easier so it won't seem like you're crazy. now, jungkook, are you okay?"

he sighed through his nose, starting to get annoyed by the question. "i'm fine. why do you keep asking me that?"

"i know when you're jealous, jungkook," jk answers, an eyebrow arched. "don't be so stubborn. it's normal."

"j-jealous?" jimin asks, turning his head towards jungkook. "why would you be jealous? jealous of what?"

they all stayed silent. it was such an annoyingly obvious answer that jimin was oblivious to. the answer is right in front of him, but he's blind to the thought of it.

jungkook didn't want to respond. he didn't want to admit that he wants jimin, or that his pride and dignity would dwindle into the size of a marble if he said the words,"i'm jealous of my best friend because you fall for him so easily but only trip over me." he can't help but be a little bit selfish.

"i'm not jealous. just more cranky today." he says a poor excuse, but he feels relieved when jimin nods his head and doesn't question it further.

"that's bullshit but whatever."

"shut up. he still doesn't know about the party with taehyung."

that catches jungkook's attention, giving them a slightly stern look. "what party with taehyung?"

min and minnie fill him on what they told jimin, and by the end of it, jungkook was fuming towards his best friend.

"are you fucking kidding me?! why didn't you tell me this sooner?!" jungkook whisper shouts. they didn't respond, couldn't even think of answer, so jungkook continues. "hyung, you know you can't go with him, right? if you go, who knows what'll happen to you."

jimin stays silent, taking a short glance towards taehyung, who is watching videos on his phone. his heart flipped at the sight of him, causing butterlfies to flutter in his stomach. he doesn't want to believe taehyung could be as bad as they make him sound.

"wait, what day is it today?" kookie asks.

they all pull out their phones, and slowly look back up at each other.

jk runs a hand through his hair. "fucking hell-"

"hey, jiminie!" taehyung walks up next to jimin, a big smile on his face as he slightly stumbles in the process. "my friend is throwing a celebration party for his early graduation. do you wanna come? we could hang out and get to know each other better."

all eyes were on jimin, even the eyes taehyung couldn't see. everyone was standing in silence as they waiting for his answer.

he took a glance towards jungkook, his heart fluttering at the way his eyes were doe a beautiful shade of dark brown, showing every emotion possible in them. his eyes went back to taehyung, a sigh leaving his lips.

"i'd love to."

oh no.

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