prestory | q+a answers

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hey everyone! i know it's been a while for updates and stuff (literally me), but school is killing me lately and i just haven't had the time for it, but i will make the next actual chapter soon! (what's school? never heard of her)

i try not to leave you all hanging, but i said you had to use your detective skills, and no one really did that. you all should really take what clues i give you seriously. i'm just saying, they may come in handy by like chapter 20 or something.

but anyway, time for the portion that you all are here for (or maybe not, excuse my unnecessary enthusiasm) the q&a answers!

oh, and if you want to ask me more questions, just go to the chapter that says 'thank you and q+a' and write your questions where it says to.

or put them here because you're lazy like me.

here we go!

TheLlamaCornQueen: How do you get inspiration to write?

Author: Well, heh, this is actually a good question. I actually get my inspiration by random things. I was talking with TheLlamaCornQueen, and somehow I came up with an idea for a Yoongi story called "Yoongi's Wonderland". I'd tell you what it's about, but only the person I talked to will know for now. *winks* But to clearly answer your question, I don't know how I get my inspiration to write, more than how I get my inspiration for story ideas.


Author: Well, first off, thank you! To me, my writing isn't that good (yet), but I do try to go back to my stories and update. I think my best written chapter so far is '0.6 Night Version' (if you'rean og you know what this is, but for people who arent, it's the same chapter number, but towards the end of it i believe xD). I really like the way I described everything and I'm really proud of myself for slightly improving on my writing. I'm not sure if this is a question I can just answer, but thank you once again for liking what I write!

TheLlamaCornQueen: What's your favorite colour?

Author: According to my mom, it used to be purple, but now it's blue.

TheLlamaCornQueen: Will you ever come to England? ;-;

Author: My grandma says she'll take me to England when I get my passport. So I might see you soon if she'll even let me go to your house when we go.

TheLlamaCornQueen: Are you a good dancer?

Author: *hisses* Well, since this is a question, let me tell you a story. At my school, we have a k-pop club, and sometimes they do this dance challenge where they play parts of different songs. There's tons of videos with it, I don't really know what to call it, heh. Anyway, one day I went upstairs and when I came to the top of the stairs, I heard Dope playing, and I stood beside a vending machine and started doing the dance. Since I don't eat lunch there, I kept dancing to songs I knew, but when Jungkook's part from BS&T started to play, ohhohoho it was crazy. I literally, and I mean literally jumped from behind the vending machine and started doing the dance, but when the 'wanhi manhi manhi' started, I jumped and spread out like they do in the dance practice, and then people started to cheer for me. It was fun, and I continued to go upstairs and dance ever since. So, I guess I'm a good dancer? At least to most people I am, but not to myself am I a good dancer, but if people think I'm a good dancer, then I guess I'll believe them.

TheLlamaCornQueen: Do you low-key get tired of my comments? 😂

Author: Nope, never. I love your comments the most; they're the ones that really make my day. I would make a story on your comments if I wanted to. Huh, might just make a book on you in general. Oh, see? I came up with a story idea. Crazy right? Anyway, your comments give me life- especially since you've been reading my stories since my early stories. I'll tell you all more about those if you want to. But I love your comments Chim Angel. Thank you for writing them.

TheLlamaCornQueen: Are you annoyed that I've asked a bunch of questions? 😂😂

Author: Of course not! I'm glad you asked me so many questions actually; it shows me that you want to know more about me and get to know me better. So, all seven of your questions are completely fine, and I wouldn't mind if you asked more.

Bts6593: How do you come up with your ideas?

Author: I don't know if you mean my story ideas, chapter ideas, etc, but I'll explain them for you anyway. With story ideas, like I said before, they come randomly. For chapter ideas, I usually tie the chapters with what happened with the previous chapter. Right now, I actually have a few set up chapters for what I want to happen in the future of this story. They lead to... let's just say they lead to dramatic situations *winks*. I hope that answers your questions. If not, feel free to ask me more about it!

Bts6593: Can I have your skill?

Author: I mean, I guess you can, but I want you to write your own way, have your own skill. You must be you and express your creativity with your story/stories, that's what you wrote it/them for, right? To show your ideas with people? Show how you write your way? If you're not showing your own creativity in your writing, then you probably won't enjoy writing your story/stories and end up not writing it. Of course you can always unpublish it and publish it again once you've improved on your writing, but it's always your choice and no one else's. Just be you. Show some light on what you can do.

well, that's the end of the q&a.

i hope you all had your questions answered. if not, don't be afraid to ask more questions or for me to be more specific or to focus on a certain parts.

have a great day/night!

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