Chap: 9

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Roy's POV:
I had fullmetal in my arms, he felt so cold, I tried to give him some of my body heat and put my jacket on him. He were going to the hospital because Hawkeye says that he lost a lot of blood and if he does have a baby in his stomach then we need to check it. I agreed to that and picked up speed. We got there and yelled for help we sent a call for Wendy Ed's and Al's mechanic. We put him on a bed, and the nurses was going to pull him to a room to get him examined, but Ed still had a hard hand grabbing my hand and won't let go no matter how hard you try. The nurse said, "Sir, you need to come with us, it seems like he won't let go of you, and we need to go now." I nodded and went with them.
Two hours later
I had stayed with fullmetal the whole time when they were examining him. I held his hand all the way though the examination and sat with him when they were done, the doctor came in and talked to me, he said, "Are you the boyfriend? If so congrats I don't know how but he is pregnant with a girl and a boy, they are healthy but if he has more fights like this or if he loses this much more blood he might not have these baby's. About his injuries he will live but he has lost a lot of blood we had to stabilize him and the baby's and get blood back into him, also he had three cuts that we had to stitch up, with the bruise on his eyebrow and cuts on him mouth, he has a a bruise on his nose, then we saw that he had scars on his legs and arms, we looked at that and found out that it was probably self inflicted. We looked at his arm and called his mechanic to come and fix him a new arm like before." I looked down at Ed and then looked at his stomach I asked, "How far along is the baby's and is it safe for him to do anything?" The doctor looked at his chart and said, "One baby is about two weeks and a half old and the other one about a week they are different you were going to have one baby but I guess when it was still developing you put more into it and the baby grown in to two babies so. If you guys want to get an abortion you guess need to decide in about a week or so but for safety a week at most, and it depends on what you are thinking, no going on mission's no fighting and no going over board." I nodded and said, "Alright I will decide it with him and when is he going to stop bleeding?" He looked confused and said, "He is still bleeding? That shouldn't be happening." He came over and looked at his arm and saw it was still bleeding. He called for a nurse and said something in her ear, she left and came back with a machine and took his blood pressure and how much blood he has in him if the babies are ok. After they were done they wrapped his arm to stop it from bleeding and said, "Ok, he is fine everything is fine right now, the nurse will come and give you a blanket since you seem to be staying the night," He looked down at our hand intertwined together. I smiled at him and nodded, he nodded back and walked out to talk to a nurse. I pulled my chai closer to his bed and laid my head on the bed with his hand still with mine.  I loved the feeling of his hand in my hand. I fell asleep with that in my mind.

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