Chapter 11

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Ed's POV:
I got out of the hospital when Roy was doing something else, I sneaked out and went to mine and Al's house I saw Al there fixed and safe I ran to him and hugged him and said, "Thank God you ok!!! Are you ok not hurt are you?" I looked around him. He stoped me from pasting around him and said, "It's alright brother! Wait aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?!" I said, " technically yes but we need to go somewhere to get your body back, we are finally going to get your body back, we are going to see someone and finally get your body back." I stared walking to my bed and stared packing my stuff that I need and what Al needs. Al said, "Wait you only said 'your body' what about you arm and leg?" I looked at him then picked up a bag and put it by the door. Then I looked back up at him and said, "Yes I said your body and because I think I like it like that and I think the Gate will only do one or the other, if they do you have to except it ok?" He shock him head and said, "No." I said, "Yes you are doing this please? For me?" I gave him puppy dog eyes and said, "I will bye you a kitten?" I finally gave in and we were off to see the person.
15 minuets later
We arrived out of town in an abandoned warehouse. We walked in, and it was an open area, light was coming in to the windows and it looked like it was new but old at the same time. In the middle was Envy, Al went behind me while I just kept walking. I went up to Envy and said, "Is it ready? And I never asked, what is it in for you why are you helping us?" Envy smiled the eivl smile and said, "Yes it's ready, and I want to know if it is good so I can do it to other people. So you are test subject's for me." 'It kinda made me fell sick doing this but I need to get this over with, and get my baby brothers body back so he can live I life that is better then mine.' I thought. I said, "When can we start?" Envy said, "Now," I nodded and I sat on the ground, Al do the same thing but behind me then, Envy sat down, stared to chant something that was unknown. Then there was a white light. I saw a big brown gate, and in front of it was a kid . I walked closer to home and said, "Who are you? Can you help me?" He looked up and said, "I am you when you were younger, and you need help to get your brothers body back but you don't want your back?" I nodded and said, " relevant exchange, you keep my leg and arm, if my brother has his soul and body back." He nodded and said, "You planed this didn't you?" I said, "You are me, wouldn't you do that to." He closed his eyes and nodded. He said, "Ok here is the deal, we keep your arm and leg, and we give you your brothers soul and body back, does that sound good?" I nodded. He nodded back at me and said, "Ok I will get it done, good bye me." I said, "good bye." I opened my eyes again and I was back into the room with Al looking at me with really eyes, and face I got up from the ground and looked Al up and down. He hugged me and kept thanking me. I said, "I'm your big brother I would do anything for you." He smiled and thanked me more. I laughed and looked around. I asked, "Where is Envy?" He looked up at me from him burying his face in my chest and said, "Envy left when you were about to wake up, he said or is it a She I don't know, said, "It's done? I think." I shrugged and picked up Al on my hip. I said, "What if we just run away to the next town over? Just you, me and some people to help us stay secret." He nodded but looked at me seriously and said, "Why though is it because of the colonel or Roy?" When he said that my mind went back to when I was in the hospital, where I saw Roy kissing another woman, and what hurt me the most is he knew I was carrying his children, and he told me he loved me, but I guess that was a lie, he never loved me. Never!

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