Chap: 10

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Ed's POV:
I woke up with pain in my face, arm and stomach. I was going to move my other arm to touch my hurt arm but something was around my hand, it felt warm and I really just wanted to leave it on my hand. I looked down and say Roy was holding my hand and sleeping, he looked really cute sleeping with dark eyes, 'why would he not be sleeping right, is there something happening at home or work? Wait where is Al? OH NO NO NO NO NO! where is he is he alright OH GOD!' I got out of bed and took my hand from Roy and took everything off of me I stared getting my clothes out and putting them on socks and shoes then walked to Roy and Shaked him awake slowly, he looked at me and then got up really fast grabbed my arm and said, "You have to be in bed! What are you doing up! And in your clothes to, oh man!!" I took him hand from my shoulder and squeezed it and said, "It's just fine, I need to see my brother where is he. Why are you worried anyways?" He looked at me like I just did something that he hated. He held my hand and said, "I'm worried about your arm and the babies! You should be in bed, I'm worried about you." The way he looked at me like he cared, I liked that look but I know he likes Hawkeye and that broke my heard, it hurts that the person you love can't love you back. My stomach stared to turn, and I felt sick. I let go of him hand and looked around to find a bathroom I put my hand over my mouth and ran for the bathroom, I lifted up the toilet and threw up. I felt a hand rub my back I was to worried about what I was doing and my stomach. I screamed and kept throwing up, I didn't know when I started crying, after I was done throwing up I got up on shaky feet and flushed the toilet. I grabbed the sink to support myself and washed my mouth. I put my hand on my stomach, thinking if I did that the babies would stop hurting me. I said, "How far along did the doctor say?" He sighed and said, "One of them is two weeks and a half old the other one, is about a week old." I looked at him though the mirror and said, "How is that possible?" He looked at me and said, "well you got pregnant the first time we had sex, then a week after we had sex you were pregnant but then we had sex again and my seed's made a new baby,so one of them is a week ahead of the other one and we don't know which one yet." I took a deep breath and exhaled it then looked at my stomach then said, "Ok what does the doctor says about it, what is the safest way and what is the dangers way." He said, "I will talk to him if you want." I nodded to him and was about to walk back to the bed when I was about to fall. Roy caught me and helped me walk to the bed. I was kinda thankful I had someone here.

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