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Wow, I'm actually doing this. Never thought I would xD
The first part will be mainly backstory, skip to the next bold text that isn't in brackets, that's when the smut kicks in 🌚

Edit from the 27th of April:
Disclaimer: The first ones are really fukin bad. Not that all of them are kinda crap but the first 3 are really bad. If you enjoy them nonetheless: YAY! If not, maybe skip to part four, it gets better.

(y/n) has been living with Rhys for quite a while now. They have known each other for quite long too. How, you ask? Well, (y/n) has her own little YouTube channel, where she does speedpaints and occasionally plays various videogames (If you can't draw that doesn't matter, just pretend like you do it's for the plot 👀).
So in the end of one of her livestreams she asked for suggestions for the next speedart. She made a poll containing the first 5 names that came up in the chat, one of them being a certain someone called "Razzbowski". The poll results were a definite Markiplier, but she hadn't heard or read of that Razzbowski guy before, so she looked him up on YouTube.

In the end, (y/n) thought that he was a fun and inspiring person and decided to dedicate him a speedart too. Of course, she did the Markiplier one first, everyone loves Mark and (y/n) loves that YouTube money.

Through her speedpaint and all the dms he got on twitter, Rhys attention was quickly drawn to her and he started watching her videos too. He eventually asked her if she wanted to record a video or two with him for both of their channels, and (y/n), of course, instantly agreed.

They started to record together more often and talked a lot on Skype, so obviously they became pretty close friends. They had visited PAX, started an own little collab format on Razz' channel and even went on a road trip together.

One day, (y/n)s landlord raised the rent for "personal reasons" (I think he wanted to build a sexdungeon, not sure tho. He was a really shady person too), but she wasn't able to pay. Razz offered to let her live at his place in Scotland, to which she happily agreed to.

That was just some backstory, now we get to the good part 👀

And now we're here, (y/n) and Razz sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a movie. Razz though, wasn't able to focus on the movie. You know, he hadn't had a girlfriend other than his hand for ages, and if there's a young attractive woman (I mean that literally, y'all beautiful 👀) near him, you know how he gets.

He kept on constantly looking over at (y/n), blushing slightly whilst his imagination was going crazy. He really tried hard not to make it obvious and to focus on the movie they were watching, but failed tremendously. He even forgot what movie they were watching.

I should probably tell you that good ol' Papa Razz has had a HUMONGOUS (I love that word) crush on (y/n), but always kinda managed to hide it. Him being a professional actor really helped his case, but every now and then a little blush managed to slip, letting (y/n) comment on how adorable he looked when he had pink in his face.

Back in the living room, he used his acting skills, shifting uncomfortably trying to hide his "situation" if you know what I mean and tried to keep it cool with a small groan and the words "my foot fell asleep" when she asked if anything was wrong.

(y/n) knew something was up with Rhys. But whenever she asked him what was wrong, he brushed it off saying it was nothing. She had enough. (Y/n) stood up and paused the movie. "Okay, nani the fuck is going on with you Razz? You're literally worrying me. Talk!" Razz stared at her in shock and stammered "Uh... Well... Y-you see I...* He let out a sigh, not knowing what words to use. (Y/n) scanned him worried, but then noticed something. "O-oh. Is that why you were acting that strange?" He looked away with a reddish tone covering his cheeks and nodded.

(Y/n) now, much to Razz' surprise, had a devious smile on her face. She leaned over to him and said "let me help you out then" in a very seductive manner. His eyes went wide when her lips crashed on his, but he let his human instincts take over as his hands made their way to (y/n)s waist, pulling her into his lap.

The kiss got a lot more passionate over time so he flipped both of them over so that he was on top now. It was a rather slow process, and Razz definitely isn't known to be patient. Wanting to speed up things, he licked (y/n)s bottom lip, asking for entrance. (Y/n) though refused, wanting to keep him waiting a little more just to make him a bit mad. He started to bite her bottom lip softly in response. She still refused, which did make him mad. He growled deeply and rolled his hips against her forcefully, making her moan and open her mouth. He slipped his tongue in and they fought over dominance for a while. Razz won and explored every inch of (y/n)s mouth, always wanting more. The feeling of his big hands roaming her body, the way he rolled his hips and the soft moans that she was able to hear from him made (y/n) nearly go crazy.

Rhys decided to lift up (y/n)s shirt, breaking their kiss for a second. He instantly used that opportunity to take off his own shirt too, so they would not have to break it again. They slowly continued undressing each other, leaving both of them in their underwear. Razz was kissing and biting up and down (y/n)s neck and shoulders, reaching behind her to swiftly unclip her bra. He then removed her panties and his boxer, leaving (y/n) shivering in anticipation.

He didn't keep any lube around the living room, so he just spit in his hand and went straight ahead, slowly entering her. About halfway in, (y/n) hissed quietly in what seemed like pain.

"You alright?" He questioned with a slightly worried look on his face. "Yeah, I just... Haven't done that in a while" she responded. "Don't worry though, just continue. I'll get used to it eventually" she tried to reassure him with a rather pained expression on her face. The Scotsman gave her an unsure look but then did as he was told and went in completely. He pulled out nearly completely and went back in a little faster this time. He continued thrusting ever so gently, faint moans leaving his slightly parted lips every now and then. (Y/n)s pain was completely gone by now and the only things she was able to focus on was the pleasure she got from every thrust and every single oh so quiet sound that came from the person above her. Every little sigh, each and every breath that she felt on her skin and every time he bit his lip she felt all of her hairs stand on end. This man truly fascinated her.

Razz went back down to her neck when she suddenly gasped and let out a breathy "Oh my God". He instantly knew what was up. "Looks like I found something" he said smirking and aimed for that certain spot again. He hit it once more, making her moan loudly and grip his arm with one and shoulder with the other hand tightly.

He leaned down a little further as he was beginning to get faster, biting along her collarbones and shoulders and hitting her spot every time. She was now trailing her nails over Rhys' back, accidentally leaving scratches and marks. He let out small praises, curses, groans and moans for (y/n) to hear, making the situation even more intense than it already was. It was music in her ears. But so were all the sounds coming from her to him.

"Razz, I-I...!" (Y/n) tried to warn him. "I know" he responded, now lifting up her legs onto his shoulders. He tensed up and gave everything in those last few seconds, leaving her speech- and soundless when she came. "Fuck (y/n)!" He thrusted a few more times, filling her up to the rim. He let her legs glide back to their original place, his waist, whilst collapsing on her. They both panted heavily, pressing their foreheads against eachothers, eyes closed, and letting the aftermath of what just happened fade out.

He took a few breaths, pulled out, got up and carried her over to his bedroom where he lifted up the sheets to lay her down. Razz, still a little out of breath, got next to (y/n), pulled her close and let himself calm down a little. He covered both of their exposed bodys in with the sheets. Just before he drifted asleep, he whispered a quiet "Thank you" in her ear.

AN: Just so you know, English is not my native language, it's actually German. So if you find any mistakes feel free to tell me that I'm a worthless piece of shiz that can't write xD (and maybe add what I did wrong, that'd be nice too)
Also bold text means it's an Authors Note, if you didn't notice. I kinda just like to put some bad little puns or comments into my writing, I feel like it connects the reader to the author somehow.

Thanks for reading, see ya next chapter :3

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