His Own Medicine

889 12 15

Warning: Contains hair kink

"Nick? I'm going over to Razz' place, he wanted me over for a video, I'll be back in about 3 hours!" (Y/n) shouted from downstairs. "Sure babe, have fun!" He shouted back. And with that (Y/n) left the flat. Nick was (Y/n)s boyfriend and they've been a couple for two years now. She loved him a lot, really.

Anyways, she left their shared apartment and drove over to Razz' flat. He was one of her best friends, so they naturally hung out a lot. After a while she found a parking spot that was somewhat close to her destination. She followed Google Maps to his address and rung the bell once she arrived. A buzz signalized for her to push the door open and she entered the building. (Y/n) climbed up the stairs and was greeted by a smiling Rhys. After they shared a smol hug he told her to come in.

"Do you want a coffee first or do you want to start right away?" He offered and (Y/n) replied "I'd say we start now, I wanna get home soon cuz I got cake in the fridge and I can't let Nick eat it." Rhys chuckled an okay and she followed him to his workplace. Razz got nominated for a challenge, but didn't want to participate alone y'know?

-Time skip brought to you by Budos feet™-

They had a lot of fun recording and they finished it way earlier than she expected, so she stayed for a coffee anyways. After saying goodbye to the Scotsman, she pulled out of her parking space and drove back home.

She used her key to open the apartments door and was greeted by loud moaning from the living room. 'Is he watching porn?' (Y/n) thought to herself and slowly sneaked to the living room door. She opened it and saw her boyfriend, her love, with some black haired girl doing stuff on the sofa. They stopped and looked at her, and the only thing Nick said was "Oh. You're.. home." Tears welled in (Y/n)s eyes as she turned around and immediately left. She slammed the main door and ran down the stairs, back outside and into her car. She pulled out her phone and texted Razz. "Mind if I come back over?" Her message said. The phone buzzed as the reply arrived, it read "forgot something? ;)". "Not exactly.." she typed, hit send and started up the cars engine.

She retook the same parking lot she had a few minutes ago and speedwalked over. The bell rung, the door buzzed, she got in. Rhys opened the door and saw (Y/n)s red, tear covered face. "Hey, what happened?" He asked as he laid his hand on her arm. She sniffled. "You won't believe what I caught Nick doing." she said, her tears welling up in her eyes once more. He instantly understood what she was trying to say and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry. Come in" he said.

They sat on the couch and (Y/n) cried her eyes dry. Her head was leaned on Rhys' shoulder and she calmed down a little. She stopped crying soon, but a few sobs still left her mouth every now and then. She was sad, mad and definitely not coming home tonight. Her phone kept buzzing regularly and she just assumed it being either Twitter or Nick probably trying to tell her how the other girl was nothing to him and how he was sorry and all that.

"I-I can't believe he did that. Seems like I'm not enough, huh?" She said through sniffles. "What? No, don't say that! You're more than any man could wish for!" Rhys contradicted, lifting her head up by her chin. He carressed her cheek with a thumb and locked eyes with her, thinking of something to say. He smirked devilishly as an idea sparked in his head. "How about we give him a taste of his own medicine?" He said with a slightly seductive tone in his voice.

Just a few seconds later they were heavily making out. (Y/n) climbed into his lap and buried her hands in his soft hair. He softly bit her lip, to which she opened her mouth and let his tongue enter it. She accidentally tugged a little on his hair, which unexpectedly made him let out a quiet groan. She tried again and this time it was more of a moan, which was almost inaudible though. 'That might come in handy later' she thought to herself.

Rhys hands, that were placed on her waist, slid under her shirt, exploring the skin below it for a bit. They broke the kiss and he tugged it off of her. After a while (Y/n) let her now naked self down on her knees. She grabbed his manhood and let her thumb slide over the tip. She gave it a lick before she took it in and slowly moved up and down on it. She pressed her tongue at it and traced every vein that she found on the way. Rhys threw his head back and let out a few desperate, breathy moans. He laid his hand on her head, grabbed a small amount of hair, and clawed into the sofa with the other. One of his legs twitched a little when (Y/n) swirled her tongue over the tip. He looked down on her, lust clouding his eyes.

Soon, Razz pulled her back up by her arm and turned both of them around. He put one of her legs on his shoulder and placed himself at her entrance. He pushed in slowly and earned a moan of (Y/n). One hand on her leg and the other on her waist he started thrusting slowly, but with force. She moaned away with his movements as she grabbed his face and pulled him down to her. They shared a messy kiss full of tongue fighting, lip biting and moaning. (Y/n) broke the kiss. "Faster, faster please!" she pleaded. Rhys willingly increased his pace and laid his forehead against hers, enjoying the closeness. She ran her hands through his hair and tugged now purposely on it. It drove him completely crazy and multiple 'fuck's, praises and deep groans left his mouth. It mixed perfectly with (Y/n)s variety of sounds. The hand of his, that was placed on her thigh, moved down to her core and he pressed his thumb onto her clit. She moaned uncontrollably and tightened up around his member, to which he sped up a little more. She pulled him into another kiss and came, which made it hard for Rhys to keep himself from releasing too. He wanted this to go on a little longer.

He pulled out whilst flipping them around so that (Y/n) was on top now. She understood what he wanted and sat up straight. She let herself down on his member, letting out a moan in time with Razz. She pushed his back against the backrest of the couch, pulled his head back by his hair, earned quite a loud moan from him, and attacked his neck. She moved her hips up and down slowly, until he grabbed her sides and slammed her down on his member. She broke away from his neck to the sudden change of pace. She left a few light lovebites on his neck, as a souvenir you could say. They held their faces close to eachothers as Rhys kept on moving her by her hips. He was close, so he held her hips up and pounded into her from below. His moans, which he had kept quiet for most of the time, became louder by the second as (Y/n) tightened around him once more. She released a second time which finally pushed him over the edge. He came inside of her with a deep groan through gritted teeth. Both of them relaxed themselves and stayed in their position, just enjoying eachothers presence. Rhys chuckled and said "You're fuckin' amazing" whilst panting heavily. She wheezed a laugh, lifted her head and looked into his eyes. "You're not too bad yourself"

A/N: Hey, something that wasn't requested for once! Yay! I possess something called creativity!

Also I'm gonna supply you with memes from now on in the media you can add above. You can thank me later.

Small status update: I'm 1: Still bad at writing; 2: Sick with a husky ass voice and 3: Hungry. But I'm always hungry, so... Yeah.
Like this story and know fellow kinky cinnamonrolls? Share this with them! Want to request something? Go ahead, comments or PM's, everything works for me. :3

Question: What would you think of an entire story about Razz and the reader/an OC, which I can guarantee is still a better lovestory than Twighlight? Tell me everything about it in the comments, for example if you'd prefer an OC (which I think would be better for a novel like story) or a reader story.

Have a nice life

Word count: 1527

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