Date gone sexual

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"Uh.. hey (y/n)? How about we go on a date? I've finished recording and editing for the next 2 days so..." "YAAAAAAA" (y/n) screamed and jumped into his arms. "I'd love that!" She said. Razz just grinned away embracing her attack of love. He already had planned where to go. (Y/n) wasn't someone for fancy places and she didn't really like getting dressed up like a queen. "Aaaand where are we going?" She asked with undying curiousity. "Don't worry, we're going somewhere casual. Be ready at seven." Rhys answered smirking and placing a small kiss on her lips.

Time was running by and 6:40 pm arrived quicker than (y/n) nor Razz could've thought. It was a date, so both of them wanted to at least look nice. (Y/n) didn't have to do a lot, as she already was a very pretty person in general, but she applied some light make-up either way.

7 pm arrived and they met downstairs at the entrance of their flat. "You look beautiful" Rhys commented. "But I don't wear anything special.." (Y/n) said confused. "But that's because you're always beautiful" He countered with a grin. "Awww c'mon" (y/n) chuckled.

"Ready to go?" Rhys asked her and (y/n) nodded. They got outside and into his car. Razz sneaked his hand over to hers and interwined fingers with her whilst driving to which (y/n) smiled a smile worth a million dollars. It was.. peaceful.

Razz parked in a public garage and they walked to a cute lil café that had the best cappuccino EVER, at least if you'd believe Lewis' words. They walked in and sat down at a table by the window. They talked a lot about family, work, and everything else on their minds. A waiter came up to their table and asked Rhys for his order and then asked "And for the lady?" with a wannabe flirtatious smirk locking eyes with (y/n). She got flustered, as she wasn't used to that much attention from anyone but Razz and stuttered out her order. Razz didn't like that at all. He got really mad and gave the waiter a deathglare of major you-are-fucked-ness. He turned back to their conversation and acted like nothing had happened. On the inside though, he was boiling with anger and had literal murderplans for this wannabe fuckboy. He felt hatred towards him and he didn't have that feeling often. (Y/n) didn't really notice tho. Professional actor. Do I even have to say anything?

They had a great time and a lot of bad puns and jokes were told, but (y/n) noticed something about Rhys being off. She didn't want to ask, she knew he'd brush it off, but she was worried about him either way.
They arrived at home and (y/n) decided to take a shower. The whole time she thought about the way he looked at the waiter when he.. left... Oh shit. She sincerely hoped he wasn't too mad about it, since she really didn't mean to act towards him that way. She sighed heavily and left the shower, wrapping a towel around her body.

She stood in front of her wardrobe looking for some comfy clothing to watch Netflix in, when she suddenly felt big hands around her waist and breathing on her neck. "I saw the way you looked at that waiter. I hated it." He murmured into her ear, the anger in his voice clearly audible. Her eyes widened, her pulse sped up to 100 mph and all her hairs were standing on end. She has never feared this man as much as right now.

"Looks like Papa's gotta teach you a lesson"

Before she could react she was turned around and pushed against the wall. Razz seemed to have planned this, as he wasn't even wearing anything but a pair of boxers. He attacked (y/n)s neck and bit and sucked along it whilst ripping her towel off of her body and throwing it into a corner of the room. He placed his hands on the back of her thighs and commanded her to jump. She did and he put her legs around his waist.

What Razz had planned had been a long time on his mind. He had never gone rough with (y/n) and he wanted to change that. He pulled down his boxers and pushed into her without any hesitation (or lube) and continued rolling his hips literally into her at a quick pace. He bit her collarbone softly, not wanting to rush things too much. You could call it the calm before the storm.

(Y/n) was moaning away her lovers name as if it was the only thing left in her mind.
"Razz I'm gonna..!" She tried to warn him but it was already too late. He stopped and growled into her ear "Oh I'm not done with you yet, babycakes. That was just the beginning"

With that she was thrown onto the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows, only to instantly be pushed back down again. He pushed himself back into (y/n) and began pounding into her forcefully. She was already moaning uncontrollably when he got down and bit her shoulder harshly, which to her almost felt like he was drawing blood. Rhys clawed into her waist, not leaving her even the smallest chance to fight back. The mixture of massive pleasure and pain made (y/n)s mind all fuzzy and unable to make a clear thought. She knew she couldn't take much more.

He suddenly turned her around, pushing her head into the sheets and increasing the speed of his thrusts. He laid his free arm around her waist and ravaged her insides from behind. She was nearly screaming from pleasure and came again. Rhys pulled out and slammed into her back entrance, his hands now both clawing into her waist again. Her head perked up and she let out a loud scream-moan-mix. He crashed his hips into her with full strength over and over. "Who do you belong to" (y/n) heard him saying but was too caught up in not blacking out to answer. "WHO. DO YOU. BELONG TO." he repeated himself with a booming voice. "You, Rhys, YOU!" And with that she came a third time. Razz himself thrusted a few more times into her with all his strength, letting out a loud growl-like moan and filling her up with his load.

Exhausted, he let himself fall next to her, pulling her to his chest. She could almost feel his heart pounding against her back and his deep cold breaths gave her goosebumps all over it. She passed out a few seconds later in Rhys' arms. He whispered a last quiet "I love you" before he drifted off into a deep slumber himself.

Well, that was... Something better than the last one xD
I really don't like the last one. I might delete it. Or maybe not, I'm too lazy to rewrite it lol. Let me just crawl into my corner of sin and shame.

This part was heavily inspired by Flesh by Simon Curtis and was requested by @Beebos_blurryface, thank you very much my blurry friend xD

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