Rhyan just happened.

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Razzbowski X 8-BitRyan. Hallelujah. Razz will btw bottom once again, I just love it when he does.

Trails of kisses were planted from Rhys' neck, over his chest and down his stomach to his v-line, Ryan's hands ghosting along the sides of the older. The Scotsman was unsure of how he got into the situation he now was in. Ryan and him were just sitting on the sofa downstairs in the living room, playing Smash and eating popcorn. Seconds later they were making out and then he found himself together with Ryan in his bedroom.

He snapped out of his flashback once he felt his boxers being removed and a hand placed around his dick. A gasp escaped his mouth as the hand started moving oh so slowly and the youngers tongue slid across the tip. Ryan slid his thumb over it a few times earning a hitched breath or a silenced moan every now and then. "C'mooon stop teasing" Rhys whined, which made a smirk appear on the others face. "Beg" he simply replied, scanning the others face which showed a surprised expression. "W-what?" he stuttered, hoping that he had misheard something. "You heard me alright. Beg." Ryan said with the smirk still plastered across his face. "Oh c-c'mon Ryan, you can't-" he stopped complaining after the younger shot him 'the look'. "Ryan, please, please just stop teasing" he finally gave in.

A triumphant grin made itself comfortable on his face, just before he lowered his head to take Rhys' length in as far as he could. He traced every vain there was with his tongue on his way, and it made the older go insane. He let out desperate groans as Ryan kept his pace, until he swirled his tongue around the tip. A loud moan escaped Rhys' mouth, he threw his head back into the pillow, grabbed a bushel of hair on the others head and thrusted his hips towards the source of the sudden pleasure. The action made Brit chuckle as he continued on pleasuring the older man as best as he could.

"D-don't you dare stop" he half-moaned, the second hand at the others head too now. He couldn't keep himself from thrusting upwards, Ryan was that good. He slowly but surely could feel his fingertips tingling and the knot, that has built up in his lower stomach, tightening. Ryan could feel Rhys' member twitch ever so slightly in his mouth, even though he had a hard time concentrating on anything. The olders eyes closed in pleasure, his grip on the Brits hair tightened and his moans became forced and loud. He gritted his teeth and pressed a deep groan through as he filled Ryan's throat with his hot seed. The tension of his body weakened and his grip loosened.

"Oh my fuuuuuuck" he groaned, eyes still closed. Ryan had swallowed everything he could and let go of Rhys' limpening member. He raised himself up and stalked over the Scotsmans body up to his head, placing a desperate kiss on his lips. The salty taste of his cum still lingered on Ryan's lips, which the older was unsure of how he should feel about. The British snaked his tattooed arm to the others leg and pulled it up to place on his shoulder. Rhys' eyes fluttered open as he felt the youngers still clothed hips crash against his own, to which he let out a quiet gasp. "Ryan, I dunno if I can-" he was silenced by another hip-crash, which caused him to grunt a little.

Another, yet more passionate kiss was placed on the olders lips, which he returned. He slid his hands up the Brits chest and took ahold of his head, deepening their kiss. Suddenly, he found himself aroused once again. Ryan pulled his boxers down and placed his dick at his partners entrance, teasing him a little before pushing in slowly. The Scotsman grunted into their kiss in response, still kinda done from the incredible blowjob he just got. The younger man parted his lips from the others as he continuosly moved in and out of his newly found lover.

Ryan groaned deeply every now and then, his voice rumbling through his chest, whilst Rhys' moans suddenly became high pitched. The Brit hit his spot, over and over, with each new thrust. He sped up his pace just a little to see the scottish mans reaction. It was better than he anticipated. The older clawed into the others back with one hand, gripped his arm tightly with the other, his moans were desperate and breathy, his head laid back and his eyes closed once more. Ryan loved seeing him like this, he had fantasized about it many times before. He bit his lip speeding up a bit more and hung his head low. "Oh my g-AHRG Daddy! Don't stop!" Wait. Daddy? Ryan was confused. Didn't he say he hated the word? Either way, it was to him one of the hottest things he had ever been called and definitely wanted to hear more.

Ryan suddenly moved really fast. He pulled out and turned him around in seconds. He rammed inside Rhys, who couldn't hold back a loud moan. The Brit started thrusting at an agonizing speed, his hands clawing into the others shoulders. The bed below them squeaked and ached. Razz was unable to speak nor think straight. The only thing on his mind was the incredibly handsome man behind him, pounding into him with all his might. He stuttered and stuttered multiple yes', daddy's and a long stretched out fuck.

His legs were trembling beyond belief, not that you would notice that with the force and pace of the thrusts coming from behind. The known tingle in his fingertips was back, but way more intense than last time he felt it. His eyes rolled into the back of his eyes as he came a second time today. A loud moan emerged from him as he shot his load onto the bed. Ryan, who wasn't done yet, leaned down, laid his arms around the others torso, bit into his shoulder and gave everything he had. He came too with a few loud moans, in synch with Rhys' now husky groans.
Heavily panting, he slowly parted from him and let himself roll to the side. The Scotsman collapsed straight onto the bed, still shaking with pleasure. Ryan scanned the others body and noticed that where he had bitten him, he had actually drawn blood. Now he just felt horrible about himself. Rhys, still panting, turned his head to look at the Brit and all he could say was "Holy fuck"

Yes, I do ship this now. Also, we already got a fuckton of reads, which is absolutely insane. Like damn there's a lot of horny fangirls/boys out there xD
If you find any mistakes, you can of course just comment them. Thanks!
Anyways, thanks for reading. Have a nice life.

Word count: 1169 (today is a good day)

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