Chapter 6

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"I just can't remember all this protein synthesis, lipid synthesis...... or any synthesis for that matter.... Why did I let you talk me into this?" Beam was complaining all the way as we are studying

"Well, you would remember if you stopped being an ass  - partying every single day" Pha replied "just shut and listen" he said and went on explaining the concept once again.

"I am quitting" he spoke to himself and we both looked at him surprised

"Beam" I almost yelled "Stop being a dick and study or at least get the hell out so that we can study"

"Okay" he got up and went out of the room, Pha looked at me stunned , "Kittinan!!!"

"What?" I was annoyed at everyone now "I don' t know what is going on, but he is being an ass with all the partying and talking about giving up med school"

Pha sighed "He is hurting"

"You think I don't know that"

"You didn't have to be this harsh, Kit"

I sighed, Pha is right, he is always right but I am not in a mood to admit "So what do you want me to do?"

"Talk to him" Pha said "I know he will open up to you"

I nodded, annoyance was not replaced by guilt for yelling at my best friend. "I am going to meet Ming, will talk to him tonight"

Pha nodded "well, we do have 2 days for out exams to start ...." He closed the book "today – we can afford"

I sighed and called Ming, he answered the second time

"Hey Ming", it was loud at the back "Where are you?"

"Kitty" I could hear him after a minute, and the background noise subsided "I thought you had to study"

"I have too, but we are taking a break." I smiled "Where are you?"

"I am at the campus "

"Oh ok... " I remembered, their weird SOTUS thingy!!! "Sorry, I disturbed you"

"Talk to you later?" he asked

"Sure", "Bye" I disconnected the call and then called Beam

"Hi" he answered after a long time

"I am sorry"

"It's okay, I was being a Dick" could hear him smile on the other side

"Where are you?"

"No where"



"Can we talk?"

"No" he laughed "I am about go home with a hottie, I will talk to you tomorrow" , he then disconnected


I sighed "I have been blind too long" I told the bar tender "You never know what you have next to you until someone else comes and steals it"

He nodded and poured me another drink "Are you ever going to tell me who?"

I smiled "No", "Pour me another one" and I finished the drink in one shot.

"Go home Beam" he told me, I smiled "Couple more, I will be okay"

He moved away shaking his head, this has become my routine for the past couple of weeks – sitting here drinking alone.

"Beam" I heard someone call me, I turned around and it was Forth

"Hey, Forth" I smiled "What's up my man?"

Forth shook again "not again"

I sighed "Don't you have someplace to be?"

"Nope" he smiled again but he took the drink away from my hands "Stop it"

I turned away, but he pulled me back

"You are not doing anyone any good drinking"

I looked at him in the eye, "How stupid do you have to be not to realize that you are in love with someone, you have been in love with someone for years"

He was silent

"Tell me Forth, you never seem to hold anything back – you just go for it right?" I was now shouting

"Tell me, how is it, now when I look back all I remember is Kit!!!" I went on "And when I think of Kit with anyone else – anyone.... It kills me"

I was crying now, tears running down freely

"It kills me, Forth" I choked "I can't even confess to the love of my life.... What do I do?"

I was freely crying in his arms now, he just held me tight and wiped away my tears

"Beam" he called me softly "Is he happy?"

I nodded "I think so", he then continued "Shouldn't you be happy that the love of your life is happy?"

I freed myself from his arms and looked at him, puzzeled "What?"

"It is just that, if he is happy ... then that is all it should matter? right?"

I sighed, he is right – I am being selfish

"you are right" I told him

"I am always right" he smiled but he didn't let go of my hands

"But, I am not ready Forth" I told him

"I never asked you" he smirked "I just have to swipe you off your feet"

I laughed, it was weird being swiped off my feet "you wish" and took another shot from the botte directly

"Stop it" Forth said again, pulling me up "you have had enough"

I went with him under his pull "But you are not going to sleep with me" I smiled

"Yeah okay" he was trying to hold me up "now,let's get you home"


I woke up with a splitting headache again, "Ouch" I felt something warm and hard on my legs as I tried to move

"Shit" I instantly said, wondering who is it today , waking up with strangers is becoming a routine but from the way I am – it looks like someone had actually cleaned me up and let me sleep

I moved got up and pulled my comforter down only to find Forth sitting on the chair with his legs extended over mine

He stirred on my movement

"Hey sleepy head" he smiled

"You stayed?"

"Yes, you didn't want to be alone"

I was numb, he stayed... "so we didn't?"

"No. We didn't"

"You stayed because...." I was still confused

"Because, you asked me and I wanted too"

I was surprised, he stayed.

"I will only hurt you Forth, you should not have" I was tearing up and god knows why

"You don't know that" he smiled

"Thank you" I told him and smiled

He got up, pulled me up into a hug "it is nice when you smile"

It felt comfortable in his hands, he was warm – very warm, and I sighed closing my eyes.

Right then, the door banged open and Kit walked in "BEAM, GET YOUR ASS MOVING"

He stopped right on spot when he say us, I saw his expression and it was pure shock

"Kit" I called

But he just turned around, and ran away.

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