Chapter 8

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"Guys" ... "Stop this shit and join me" Pha was yelling on top of his voice standing in middle of my room, Kit was sitting on my bed looking detached , while I didn't know what to do

"You really think, yelling is going to help your case" asked Kit

"At least tell me why won't you guys join me this weekend" asked Pha further annoyed "Is Ming okay with it?" he now tried to pick us alone

Kit just shrugged "I will sort it out with him", Pha gave up and turned to me

"Tell me what is your reason at least?" he sat on the chair defeated

"Why are you not going?" I turned and deflected the question to Kit

Kit just looked at me seriously for a minute, "I thought you will go with Forth"

I sighed "For the 100th time, we are not dating" I spat back annoyed he smiled a bit.

"I am just not sure with Ming" Kit replied to my questions "and a weekend trip would say otherwise, I just need some time to think"

Pha sighed "What am I to do?"

"You go with your boyfriend, you idiot" I replied to Pha.

I can't help but feel a bit of hope growing in the corner of my heart, hearing kit say I am not sure with Ming, but I cut it short myself before that hope grows stronger and bigger to break my heart again.

I sighed, looking at Pha's perplexed reaction

"You do realize we cannot be with you 24/7, right?" I got up and walked up to him "You are going to be spending time with Yo, and you do not need us there"

He sighed "But it has always been the three of us"

"It will be the three of us Pha" Kit walked to him "Friends Always and forever", and he looked at me "Right?" as if he is expecting me to contradict him

"Err.. " , "Huh" I looked at him, what the hell is he trying to say "Yes, friends forever"

"Can you not come this once?" Pha asked "I want my friends with me... I promise to hang out with you guys and not Yo"

Kit sighed, he looked at me "We can stay together...." He offered

"Yes" Pha interjected "We can have Ming and Yo share a room, and three of us can be together"

He looked like a whiny child, and I cant help but smile

"Yes!!!" he jumped on seeing my smile

"Thanks, Thankks" he said as he rushed out of my room leaving me and Kit alone in my room.

"Beam" Kit called "Are you okay?"

"Yes" I replied as a knee-jerk reaction "Why?"

"Why won't you go" Kit asked

I gave him my usual lie "You have Ming, and He has Yo" I sighed " I will always be the third wheel"

He nodded, not buying my explanation "Huh huh"

"Why won't you go" I asked him "Don't even think about lying"

Kit sighed, "It is what I said, I am not sure about Ming"


He didn't look at me "I think I do not love him like he does"

My heart just skipped a beat, but I should not be happy at my friend's misery, so I asked to confirm "Why do you think that?"

Kit looked at me "I sometime feel like I am cheating on him you know...." He sighed, he avoided looking at me in the eye

"Well... Are you?" I probed, a bit sunned by choice of his words

"No" he quickly denied "It is just... just"

My phone rang, loudly and it was Forth, I just cut the call with a text saying that I will call him back later

"What is going on with Forth?" he asked me genuinely curious

It was my turn to avoid his eye, "It was just a onetime thing, he knows that I don't reciprocate his feelings....." I sighed "but he is sincere and it is easy with him"

Kit stretched back on the bed "Easy?"

"Easy to talk too.... "I explained

"So, it is easy to talk to him than us, than me?" he asked

I smiled, it was good to know that Kit is still possessive

"why are you smiling?" he asked me annoyed

"Certain things never change, Pha still needs us around, you are still possessive" I laughed

He smiled too "Guess, we never grew up when it comes to us"

Then his look changed serious " What are you going to do?"

I sighed "I don't know, you?"

He sighed got out of the bed and tucked his shirt in properly "Guess we are going to this retreat tomorrow".

I smiled "Yes, we are – but you promise not to ditch me?"

"Yes" he smiled back as he walked out "I will pick you up at 5" and closed the door.

I called Forth, and he answered on third ring

"You are coming, I am not taking No for answer" he said as soon as he attended

"I am" I replied him "but Forth, before you start jumping to conclusions"

"What?" he asked me

"I am going to tell the truth to Kit, that is why I am coming" and there was only silence on the other end

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