Chapter 15

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"About time" I said when Beam finally woke up, Pha was still snoring next to him. It was as if they were the ones who drank and passed out yesterday!!!!

"I was going to pour water on both your heads if you had not woken up in anther half an hour." I smiled

He just scoffed, and got out of bed pulling himself away from Pha's death grip "When did you get up?", "You okay?"

"I have been up for sometime..... freshen up I got breakfast for us all" I told him as he went into bathroom.

I got further restless, so I decided to wake Pha up, they have been sleeping long enough, so i sprinkled some water on him and then whispered "Yo is here"

That jolted him into conscious, and I burst out laughing looking at his startled face.

"What the Fuck.. Kit" he was grumpy as he wiped his face on the pillow "What time is it?"

"Its 9... did you come here to sleep?" I was stupid enough to stand next to him as I was replying, he pulled me into a choke-hold

"Sorry... sorry" I tried to sneak out from his hold... bubt he held his ground, this moron hass always been strong.

"You seem cheerful... what the hell did you do yesterday night" he asked me

I kissed my love, "Nothing, just decided to do what would make me happy" I told him smiling "If you would let me live"

"Wow" he let me go and smiled "That's I get to know what makes you happy"

I smiled back "Not yet, but .... " nope, I am not going to think .... Not any more

"Do whatever, let me sleep for couple of hours more.... Yo is going with Ming for some gathering with engineering brats"

Beam just then stepped out having freshened up, "What have you guys planned for today?"

"One more hour of sleep" Pha mumbled as he pulled his cover over his head and dozed off

Beam just shook his head and looked at me "Are you okay, you were so drunk yesterday?"

"Yup" I told him "No plans, I just have to meet Ming for lunch"

"Oh .. ok" he became silent after that as he unpacked the breakfast I had got them and started eating in silence

"Won't even ask if I ate?" I poked him a bit

"There were only two sets, so I assumed you had eaten.... " he looked surprised "Did you not?"

I just shook my head "Na.... I ate already"

He nodded and continued eating, so I continued "What did Forth say?"

He choked "What?"

"He even dedicated a song to you, so what have you guys decided?"

"Nothing" he said "nothing...."

"Hmm" I nodded "I heard you guys were going on 5 dates "

He looked at me surprised, "He asked – but I said No" he said as he concentrated on food

"Do you like him?" I asked, I will break up with Ming because I don't love him but I am not going to stand in path of Beam's happiness if it leads to Forth

"Why are you curious?" he asked me

"No, I just wanted to know if you like him and if you do, maybe you should go on a date, that way you will be sure" I told him

"I don't have to ... because I am sure" he said, but his tone was slightly annoyed.

"Okay" I told him, more relieved that I thought I would be.

"Wake me up after an hour too" I told him and crawled on the bed next to Pha, thinking it is going to be a long day


"I got you this" I handed over the cool drink I had got to Ming as he came and sat in the chair opposite to mine, we were in the hotel restaurant.

He nodded and took a sip, but didn't say anything

"Ming" I said not sure how to start the conversation

"It is OVER isn't it?" he asked me straight

I only nodded looking at him

"Will you tell me the real reason" he asked, but I understood his question

"I have been in love with Beam forever" I told him honestly

"What if he is with Forth?" he challenged me

I looked at him in the eye, it is hard but it is for his good

"Even if he is, I still love him Ming" I paused "You should not be someone's back up.... Not someone's fall back." I told him as he teared up

"What about you?" he asked me

"It is okay, I can be happy as long as he is" I sighed "I want you to be happy too"

He wiped off the tears and was silent for some time , "Can we still be friends?"

"We are always friends... I love you Ming, but I am not in love with you" I told him honestly "you will meet someone who understand what a catch you are"

He laughed, "It is easy said KitKat.... "but his laugh was so bitter that it left like someone was ripping out my heart

"I am sorry" I sighed

"I am too.... "he smiled "I wish you would be happy too" and he got up and walked away.

I couldn't help tearing up, it was so unfair that people around me are hurt because of my cowardice....

Especially Ming... he was genuine, caring and easily lovable. There was only one problem he was not my Beam.


I was wondering around aimlessly, I had no heart to call Yo or anyone. Kit and I have broken up – finally, officially.

I finally found a secluded spot behind a large boat, stationed close to water for repairs, and went behind it and sat down in it's shade. It took me a few minutes before I realized I was not alone, I turned to see who it was.

Forth was sitting there with a beer bottle in hands, looking at the sea, lost in his own thoughts. I decided not to disturb him and got out before he could see me.

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