Chapter 14

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"What the fuck"? I said those words out loud....i was annoyed , i was hurt..... not because he kissed me – the kiss it was great, it was RIGHT. But for the words later.

Did he think I was Ming? Did he realize that it was me and that's why he apologized?

I sighed, but still lifted him over my shoulder and took him to our room.

"Beam, Kit?" , "Is that you guys?" I heard Pha as I tried opening our door.

"Pha" I was breathless "Help Me" I called out and I could hear him moving to open the door.

"Shit" he said as soon as he opened the door "What happened?"

"He passed out – drunk" I was now out of breath "Sstop gawking and help me"

He quickly took Kit from my back and laid him on bed, covered him with duvet and turned to me. I was gulping down water as Pha helped Kit.

"Where were you guys?" he asked me

"I went off for a walk" I lied "I found him sitting on the beach alone when I was just roaming around"

"Ok" Pha replied, but his expression showed disbelief

"What?" I asked him

"Since, when did you start lying to me?" he was guilting me into confession and it was working.

I was silent, "Beam" he pushed

"Fine, I was searching for him as he left suddenly and I finally found him on the beach fully drunk" Pha sighed and looked at me questioningly.

I sighed, "He kissed me tonight, called me Ming and then apologized"

"He is confused I think" Pha said

"What?" I asked him

"Beam – can we talk?" Pha asked me, I nodded and we both walked out of the room.

"Do you like Kit?" he asked me straight, always been the one to shoot first , I smiled at Pha

"I think so" I told him as honestly as I can, I do not think I can confess to Pha before Kit – I already did it to Forth

"Don't think Beam" he told me "You should know that Kit loves Ming, and you might be hurting him"

What, I am hurting him.... He doesn't even know that I like him

"What are you saying?" I asked him

"Beam – I think you are confused" he said in a very soft tone but his words rang so clearly in my ears "You are only possessive and confused, but it is hurting his relationship with Ming"

I am ... confused, no , no I am not.... I love him.

"All you have had in your whole life is a stream of meaningless one-night stands, have you even tried being in a relationship?" he asked me again.

I was silent, I could feel myself tearing up and I could not look at him

"Beam" Pha said as he put his hands on my shoulder "I am not saying You do not love Kit"

"Then what the hell are you saying" I burst out

"I am asking you to be sure, before it affects Kit and.... Ming" Pha said "I will be happy as long as you both are happy"

"What do you want me to do?" I challenged him, feeling anger and disappointment at the same time.

"Do not hurt Kit" he told me again

"That will be the last thing I do, and if you don't know it – you don't have any right to call yourself my friend"

He sighed "I know"

He got up, shaking his head "This is a mess, but all I am saying is.... I don't want either of you to be hurt and if you guys are going to be together, no one will be happier than me"

"What do I do Pha?"

"Just be sure" he said and then extended his hands "Let's go back"

"How?" i asked him again

"Maybe, just maybe ..... you should give Forth a chance" he told me earnestly

"And, hurt him along in the process if I really do like Kit?" i threw back at him, bitter "Is that what you think of me?"

Pha winced at my words "No... Beam." He was at loss for words

"I thought you were the smartest one" I snickered 

"Beam, you are getting it wrong.... All I am saying is be sure before you talk to Kit" he paused "And you know .... that .... Er... that i don't mean it that way... I just want you to be happy"

"I just want us to be as how we were, before all this started" he sighed "I am sorry, but you should know that i didn't mean anything else"

I just looked at him, "I am sorry.... If ... if" he sighed again "Just don't be hurt.... I want you both to he happy".

We walked to our room in silence.For all that i threw at him... i couldn't help but think - Could he be right, am I just possessive? I couldn't help second guessing myself.


I woke up with a severe headache, I felt as though someone was playing drums inside my head. I rolled out of my bed to drink some water.

Pha and Beam were sleeping, and I looked at the time it was 4 AM – when did I come back? I tried to go through last night events, but it came out blank.

I drank some water and stepped out for a bit of fresh air, and sat on the balcony chair looking at my best friends.

I could not see Pha's face but Beam was facing me and looked so troubled in his sleep. I wonder why is his expression like that.

I took a deep breath and decided, I am going to tell him. But whatever his reply might be, I must let Ming go... But I must find a way not to hurt him.

Ming was too innocent and I should have never accepted in the first place.... I sighed.

I need to breakup with Ming .... A clean break before I do anything with Beam. He is not a fallback option for anyone... I sighed, hope he meets someone he deserves.

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