Chapter 13

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"Yo" I called him softly "Why are you so silent?"

He sighed and rested on my shoulders, people were all having fun but we quietly slid away from the gathering. I could not see any of my friends in the vicinity.

"Nothing Pha" he sighed

I took his hands in mine and pulled me in closer, "why do I feel like I am in the dark? And everyone around me is carrying around a secret"

He didn't reply so i continued, "Not you too" 

I took his face by the chin and lifted it up and planted a kiss on his nose

Yo smiled, "it hurts when all your friends are going to be in hurting but there is nothing you can do"

"What do you mean?" I asked him perplexed

"Are you that blind?" he asked looking at me funny "Or are you pretending?"

I sighed, I knew there is something not right with Beam and Kit, but I am not exactly able to put my finger on it

"No.... I am not pretending" I sighed "All I can see clearly is you, and it is throwing me off curve" I confessed

"You are so cheesy" he smiled "But , I am worried about Ming"


"It's Kit and Ming, Ming loves him, as much as I love you.. am not sure how it happened in this short time – at least I have been in love with you for yeaars...." He sighed

"Me too" I told him "But?"

"But... I don't think Kit reciprocates and I am not sure what to do or how to help Ming" tears rolled down his face

"There is no way , Kit would hurt Ming" I was defensive now

"Yes, but he will" Yo sighed

"No... Kit is a good guy, he will not hurt someone who loves him, I have known him for years" I was now getting angry even though it was not Yo's fault.

Yo smiled "You are so protective when it comes to your friends, you turn blind"

I sighed "Sorry, I am not angry at you"

"I know, but it is the truth" he said "Kit does not love Ming the same way, and I don't want to see him hurt"

"I do not know what to do here" I agreed

"There is nothing much you can do, but please tell your friend not to hurt mine." He buried his face in mine "I do not want this to affect us"

"Neither do I" I assured him "how the hell did it get so complicated.... life used to be so easy" I sighed

"Well, love never is" he told me

"True... but please listen to this – I Love you." I said, "I do wish I never have to choose between you and my friends"

"Me too, Pha... Me too" he said resting on my chest and closing his eyes.

Maybe I should talk to Kit, see what is troubling him – but it is not like I can force him to like Ming.

"Should I talk to Kit?" I asked him, voicing my thoughts

"No" he sighed "maybe you should talk to Beam..."

"Beam?!???" I at surprised by his suggestion, why him? What am I missing "Why?"

He pulled away from me, looking surprised – and seeing my expression he laughed "You really didn't notice, didn't you?"

He them smacked me in the head, "Are you going to be like this in future too.... You really are thick!!!"

"Ouch" I winced, "what the fuck Yo, please tell me straight" I pleaded with him

"I think Beam in confused about his feelings towards Kit, and it is impacting Kit" he paused "or at least that is what I think...."

"Beam and Kit?", it was my first thought too, but with Forth I thought maybe not.... "You think so.... Is Beam confused?"

"I don't know.... Maybe he is, maybe he is not"


"Finally" I said "I have been looking all over for you? Where the fuck have you been?" I asked as soon as I came near Kit

"What is it Beam?" he asked me, looks like he has been drinking his speech was slurry. He was completely drunk barely able to sit straight.

I sighed, and sat down next to him. This night felt like never ending

He turned and looked at me "Did you like the song?"


"One that your love dedicated for you? He sings well... you always said he sings well?" he went on "Is that why you slept with him?... because he signs so damm well?"

"Kit.." I sighed

"I am hurting so badly Beam... I don't know what to do?!" he leaned on me, and it threw me off track

"Where, are you hurt – let me see" I quickly checked if there is any ingury

"Ming really loves me , genuinely " he went on

"I know"

"I need to love him the same way too right?" he asked me and I didn't know what to answer so I kept quite

"What about Forth?" he asked again "Do you love him?"

I was silent again, not sure where this was coming from

He then looked at me intently and sighed. "Why are you silent?"

"I don't understand what you are trying to say" I replied him honestly

He looked away, but he rested his head on my shoulders and was silent.

"how much did you drink?" I asked him, putting my hand around him and holding him in place, to stop him from falling.

He looked at me, and then he took my face in both his hands and kissed me on lips.

Before I could react, he pulled away murmuring "Ming..." and "Sorry". Then he passed out.

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