Chapter 12

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"Ming" , I called out loud on seeing him sitting alone by the beach, I walked in his direction.

"P'" he replied "what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Beam, he left as soon as I finished my song" I sat next to him "Are you okay?"

"Yes P" he replied back, without looking at me but just facing the sea.

"Ming" I know , I am pushing – it is so not me, but I really wanted to know what has hurt my favorite junior so much. He is a good guy, head over heels with Kit but more than me he will be heart-broken the most if Kit also had feelings for Beam.

"You know you can tell me anything"

He quickly turned, gave me a heart-wrenching smile "I know" he turned back "But, its okay" his voice broke a little

"You don't have to suffer alone" , I said as I moved closer to him and put my hands around his shoulder.

"Hmmm" he didn't reply me but he did move away from my embrace either

"Is everything okay between you and Kit" I pushed further

"How do you know?" he asked me

I remained silent, it was not my place to explain – it was up to Beam and Kit to sort out this mess, and If in process Ming get's hurt .... I sighed, I need to take care of him I made a promise to myself.

"I have eyes, don't I?"

He turned away, "I fell for him first" he sighed "I don't know when and how in this short time"

"Hmmm" I just had to hear him talk, there is no way I can offer any words of comfort

"I fell for him hard and fast.... But I don't think he never loved me the same" Ming finally confessed


"These 2 months, we have been together – it is mostly me..... but one thing, he has always been honest and , he does love me ... just not the same"


"Yes, he told me that he will try – only try, and he even warned me not to get too attached" he sighed "Only I thought, he was worrying because it is his first time in a relationship, and then again with a guy..... "

"Hmmm, are you okay?" I asked him worried for him

"Yes, Yes I am... " he sighed "But I have not given up yet"

This is going to be bad, if Kit also has feelings for Beam and Ming continues like this – he will be the one who is hurt the most.....

"But he still is dating you?" I pushed

Forth, how cheap are you going to be?  i thought to myself , I couldn't help myself – I need to understand to ensure that we are all okay – especially Ming

"We are on a break!" he finally accepted

"Break?!" I was surprised

"No, he wanted to end it – but I didn't.... so...." He paused and looked at me in the eye "Forth, this is so not you?"


"Why are you so curious?"

"Er.. nothing" I was not sure if I wanted to let him know, It will be very selfish of me to push him pursue Kit... but if Kit is with Ming, it means I can be with Beam

I was stunned by my thoughts, Love can really make you mean

"What are you not telling me , P?" he asked, I had to admit he is very insightful for his age

I smiled "I just don't want you to get hurt"

He looked at me in silence for sometime "It is what it is..... end of the day we cannot force someone to love us, can we?"

He looked at me with his piercing eyes, he was right. So I sighed "We cannot" I agreed. "Did he say why?" I prodded further, knowing it was wrong but still... I had to know

Ming sighed "Just that he still has feelings for someone who he has never confessed"

It was all falling into places, so Kit loves Beam too... does it mean I should step back?


"He didn't say, but I have my assumptions" he responded looking at the sea again

"Who?" I asked again

"Why are you pushing so much?" he questioned me back turning to look at me

I was silent, and he smiled "so I was right" and looked away.

"We are selfish" he said in general, "Well – all is fair in love and war"

I sighed "I really do not want you to be hurt Ming"

He laughed "It is a bit late, but If Kit is happy I guess... I think ..... I can be okay" he paused "But I am not giving up without a fight.... I need to know I did all I could, if I have to be okay"

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