Waking Up is Hard

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Elizabeth's POV
There was a man standing in front of me.
"Daddy?" I asked recognizing him in shock.
"Yes, my precious baby girl?" He asked me turning to face me. "What a beautiful young woman you are now. My perfect little creation, I am so proud."
"Where are we?" I asked looking around the room we stood in that resembled our library.
"In your head." He answered me.
"Why are we here? Am I dead?" I asked .
"No you are not dead, I wouldn't allow that. You always were a daddy's girl weren't you?" I nodded confused. "Daddy needs you again. I need you to join me and be my perfect little girl."
"Where? When?"
"Don't worry about that my darling. I'll come find you. Now I need you to wake up. Your big brother and friend are worried. I need you to promise not to tell them what we've talked about. Can you do that for me?" I nodded before the darkness engulfed me.
Joe's POV

I paced for an hour, the silent brothers came and went ensuring us that she would be fine, even if they couldn't find a reason for her falling unconscious. Now we were waiting for her to come round.
"Would you sit down? You're making me dizzy!" Jace growled from his chair. I glared at him and continued to pace at the foot of her bed. We were the only two left in the room, the others had left once we were sure she was fine. Jace had tried to make me leave but I refused. "I really think you should leave."
"I'm not going anywhere until she tells me to." I shot back at him angrily. "Why are you here anyway? Maybe you should leave."
"I'm her brother! I'm her family!" He glared at me. "That's why I'm here, but how about you? Why are you here?"
"Just because you happen to share DNA with her doesn't make you her family!"
"I suppose you think that you're her family." He said sarcastically.
"Yeah I'm. Who's the one she goes to when she's sad? Angry? Hurting? Who's the one who is there for her no matter what? Me! That's what makes me her family not just a stupid strand of DNA!" I shouted.
Elizabeth's POV
I could hear them arguing but couldn't comprehend what they were saying. I wanted to make them stop but my head was so sore and I just couldn't force my eyes open. I couldn't move at all. My body was so heavy. I was so tired. Maybe I could sleep for a just little longer.
Jace's POV
I watched as Joe paced back and forth quiet after our little disagreement. He was so adamant that he would stay here until Lizzie woke up which didn't seem like it was going to happen soon. So he kept pacing and I kept at staring at her unconscious self hoping that she'd move.
After another half an hour of watching her I stood up. "I can't take this anymore! Come find me if she wakes up." I ran out the room towards the training room.
Joe's POV
With Jace gone I sank into the chair next the small bed and took her hand in mine giving it  a gentle squeeze.
"Come Elizabeth, it's time to wake up now. Everyone's waiting on you." I told her. I got no response, not that I was expecting one. "Please Liza, wake up, I can't do this without you. I need you. Please wake up!" I begged her. She stayed as still, pale and silent as before so I went back to waiting and waiting and waiting some more. At some point I fell into a fitful sleep.
Elizabeth's POV
I could feel some one holding my hand tightly and I could hear him speaking to me, no, I think he was begging, and I wanted to do what he said. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't make them open!
Joe's POV
I was awoken by a gentle pressure on my hand, she was squeezing my hand! Did that mean that she was awake? I sat up straight and found a pair of teary blue eyes looking at me.
"Hi love." I said in disbelief. "How are you feeling?"
"I was trying to wake up Joe! I was but I couldn't get my eyes to work! I couldn't move." She was sobbing now. "And when I was dreaming I saw my Dad and he was alive!"
"Oh sweetheart!" I hugged her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. I leant away and wiped the tears from her face. "It's okay."
"He talked to me." She continued crying.
"What did he say?"
"He told me I couldn't tell you what he said." That puzzled me, why would your own head tell you not to tell anyone what you had told yourself. "And then he told me to wake up and I tried to. I did. I just couldn't"
"It's okay you're awake now that's all that matters."  I reassured her. "You're going to be fine. The silent brothers came and checked you."
"The silent brothers were here?" She shuddered. I laughed and nodded.
"I'm going to go fetch Jace and the others alright?"
Elizabeth's POV
I nodded and Joe smiled then left the room. I felt okay but my head was heavy. I wasn't sure what time it was. I could hear Dad's voice in my head saying "I'll come find you." Over and over again. How could he come find me? He was dead. I saw him die, I was there after all. He was dead wasn't he?

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