Chapter 2

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                                Nick's POV

I stretch and reluctantly get out of bed. I hate that we have to get out of bed so early. It should be illegal to make us do it. Smelling pancakes cooking, I rush to get dressed. I run into Jared coming out of his room. Our house is like a mansion, but it kind of has to be if the pack is going to live together. Behind the house is the woods that we own so that we can roam freely. Also, if you want some alone time with your mate, if you know what I mean. 

I look down, sadly as I think about my lack of a mate. I haven't found her just yet. I grit my teeth as I think of the conversation I had with my father last night.

"Come in," my father calls out. I walk into his office, shutting the door behind me. "What's up son."

"I need to talk to you about my mate,"I tell him, my hands twitching nervously. "I want to leave after I graduate to find her." My father's head shoots up, his eyes lit with fury. 

"We have talked about this, Nick. Your mate will come to you if you are meant to have one. Remember your Uncle Jerry. When he couldn't find his mate, he didn't go into the depression like we thought he would. He was happy as could be. Probably because he had Mike looking after him. Mike didn't go into the depression either." I nod and leave the office. What my father doesn't know is that Uncle Jerry did find his mate. It's Mike. I'm surprised that he doesn't know. They live together and everything. I go to my room and open my computer, thinking of a way to keep my travel plans away from my father.

Jerking out of my thoughts, I walk into the kitchen and grab a plate, shoving a pancake in my mouth as I sit down. I eat my breakfast in about 2 minutes and sit in my truck, waiting for Sean, Ashley, and Jared. After what seems like an hour, they finally show up.

"Finally,"I say. They just glare at me, obviously not awake yet. I've always been a morning person. We get to the school and I head to go make up a test. Jared and Ashley are probably going to make out somewhere and who knows where Sean's going. 

I'm almost to my class when somebody runs into me. I look down at the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 

"Sorry," I tell her. She takes a step back, stumbling, and I reach my hand out to steady her. As soon as my hand touches her arm, I feel a shock. She takes off, leaving me standing there with my mouth hanging open. Is she my mate? A hand clasps my shoulder.

"You good dude?"Sean asks. I nod and silently walk to first hour, not even bothering to go make up that test. It can wait. My mate on the other hand cannot. I don't see her again and am about to give up, when she walks over to the lunch table with Ashley. I watch her as she walks, her hips swaying, mesmerizing me. Her blond hair covers her eyes and I wish that she would uncover those beautiful, violet eyes that I only got a glimpse of earlier. I've never seen violet eyes on anybody before. 

She sits down in front of me and I tune everybody out as I stare at her. I start listening to the conversation when Ashley introduces her to me. Layla. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Cheesy right? But it's true.

"We've already met," I tell them. "We ran into each other." They all laugh as Layla blushes. She's so cute. As everybody falls into their normal conversations, I watch as Layla looks around at us as if in amazement. Why would she be amazed? We're just a group of normal teenager minus the fact that we're werewolves. She is too. I can smell the normal scent of a wolf coming off of her. It's better though somehow. It's mixed with what smells like lavender. I could breathe that scent in all day.

I don't get to speak to her or hear her voice today. I will get to eventually though. I swear on it. When I get home, I go directly to my room and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about my mate. 

I ignore my father when he calls us to dinner. I don't even turn toward my mom when she comes into my room.

"Nick, your dad called dinner like 10 minutes ago. Are you feeling okay?" I nod and continue to stare at the ceiling. "Speak to me."

"I found her Mom,"I tell her. She squeals in excitement. 

"Really! What's she like?"

"Amazing,"I sigh dreamingly. "She has these beautiful violet eyes and strawberry blond hair. She's really shy. I haven't even heard her talk yet." My mom sits on my bed next to me.

"Have you spoken to her yet?"

"Well, I accidentally ran into her and said sorry, but she just ran off." My mom puts her hand on my head and stands up. 

"She's new and shy. Give her time." She leans down and kisses my forehead. "Now come to dinner. You should tell the pack, especially your father."

"Mom?" She turns to me. "Thank you." She nods and leaves. I look back at the ceiling. Now I just have to think of a way to get Layla's attention. She has to know we're mates, right?

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