Chapter 7

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The letter

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for contacting me. I will tell you the truth even if you don't know where my daughter is. Here it goes.

Almost 18 years ago, I met Derek Morrison. He was very charming. I knew that he was a rogue, like me. He wasn't my mate though. I was so desperate for attention, seeing that I had been alone for such a long time. I was 23 years old. I had run away from home because my father didn't respect my wishes of being an artist. He wanted me to get married and have a bunch of pups with someone I didn't know. He didn't even care if I didn't find my mate.  I couldn't take it and after my 18th birthday, I ran away. For years, I lived on the streets. After meeting Derek, I moved in with him. We lived together for a few months when I found out that I was pregnant. I was scared that he wouldn't want me anymore, but I was wrong. 

9 months later, I had Layla. I named her after my little sister who died in a car accident when she was 8 and I was 15. I brought Layla home and Derek and I were happy for a while. When Layla was a year old, I found my mate. I was in town when I ran into Henry Adams. He is the Alpha of the Moonlight pack and he asked me to come with him. I explained that I had a daughter and he agreed to give me time to pack up my stuff and work something out with Derek. I still loved Derek, but I loved Henry more. When I told Derek, he flipped out. I managed to calm him down and he helped me pack my stuff. We agreed that Layla would go back and forth between us. 

I thought that he was fine with that. I should've thought that it was suspicious that he wanted control over the savings account that I left Layla. I was just so happy that I found my mate. I left Layla with him, while I brought my belongings to my new home. The next day, when I went back for Layla, Derek and her were gone. I looked everywhere, but they were long gone. 

I went back to Henry and explained the situation. While I was grieving for the loss of my pup, Henry looked for her. It stayed that way for 5 years before I finally pulled myself out of my self loathing. I married Henry and took over the duties as Luna. I never stopped looking for Layla though. Anytime that we thought we had a lead, I went myself. I still do.

That is the whole truth. I would love to meet with you if you know where my daughter is. Please. It's been too long. I will pay you if you want. I will do anything.


Rose Adams, Luna of the Moonlight pack

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. Sorry for such a short chapter. I feel like I had to make the letter it's own chapter since it reveals so much.

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