Chapter 3

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                        Layla Pov

Over the next few days, I try to ignore Nick, but he's everywhere. And I mean everywhere. He follows me to my classes, trying to get me to talk to him. I want to so bad, but I can't risk it. Derek is already watching me closely. I don't know why though. We'll probably have to move again soon. I don't know why he wants us to move constantly. He's hiding something, I just don't know what.

Ashley keeps inviting me to her house, but between school and work, I don't have any time. That's why I don't ever have any friends. Even when I was little, I never got close to anyone. As soon as I was old enough, my dad made me get a job. At first he also worked, but when I made enough money to support us, he stopped working. He also used my college savings to buy beer for a while until all that ran out. My mother left me that money and he went and took it. It's bad enough that all he says when I ask him about her, is  that she was a bad person and that I shouldn't be thinking about her.

"Hey,"Nick calls from across the hallway. "Layla, wait up." I sigh and stop, knowing he won't leave me alone until I at least listen to him. 

"What's up?"I ask. Nick shrugs.

"I just want to ask you something. Do you know about us?" He raises one of his eyebrows. I look at him in confusion for a second before I get it. He wants to know if I know about werewolves.

"You mean if I know about werewolves? Yes. I know that you and your whole group are all werewolves. I also know that you know that I am too." He nods in what looks like relief.

"Then do you know that we're.. you know."

"Yes, I know that we're mates." His eyes widen. 

"Oh! Then would you like to go out sometime?" I'm tempted to say yes, but I think of my dad. I open my mouth to say no, but what comes out instead, surprises me.

"Yes. I would love that," I blurt out. He grins and hugs me. That same shock runs through me and I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach. What the crap? I've never felt that before. I must be getting sick or something.

"Hey, I'm skipping school to go running. Wanna come?" I eagerly nod, wanting to get out and stretch my legs. For once, I'm not thinking of the consequences. We run out to his truck and sit in silence for the few minutes that it takes us to get to the woods.

"My family owns these woods and it's private property, so we shouldn't run into anybody. Though we did have that happen once. A pizza guy must've thought that it would be a shortcut to a house and when he saw us, he stopped dead in his tracks. When Jared growled at him, the guy almost pissed his pants. It was hilarious." I stare in fascination at Nick's face while he drives. His eyes are crinkled with laughter and his hazel eyes shine with happiness. He's amazing. I feel the familiar pull and I resist it, leaning my head against the window. The wolf inside me growls in anger. I ignore the temptation and practically throw myself out of the truck when we park.

"Wow! You seem really eager to get out" Nick remarks. I just nod and walk into the woods.

"I'll get undressed and shift over here, okay?" I nod again and walk in the opposite direction than he went. I undress and take a deep breath before shifting. I feel the familiar pain of my bones shifting and rearranging. After about 30 seconds, I'm completely transformed. I look for Nick and instantly spot him. His mate pull is so much stronger and I have to work hard not to let my wolf take over. He's a big, dark brown wolf. His eyes are even more pronounced being an ice blue color. He's beautiful.

Nick's POV

She's beautiful. Her violet eyes are startling against her bright, white coat. I slowly approach her, my legs shaking as I resist letting my wolf take over. If I did, it would surely scare her. She surprises me by coming over to me and nuzzling my face with her muzzle. She suddenly nips my ear and jumps away playfully. I growl playfully and chase after her. 

She looks so happy. When I see her in school, she smiles and laughs a lot, but they never reach her eyes. She has a depth to her that I can't quite figure out. She's sad for some reason. I'm going to figure it out if it's the last thing I do.

She barks at me and I realize that I've just stopped and stared at her. I run and tackle her to the ground. We tumble for a little bit until I overpower her and stand over her. We just stare at each other when she suddenly licks my snout.

Lalya's POV

I stare up at Nick as he stands over me. Without thinking, I sit up and lick his muzzle. What's gotten into me?  I should be staying away from him. What happened to the careful, serious girl that I was just a second ago? I can see the look in Nick's eyes change from happiness to lust. Oh no. His wolf is taking over. I push him off of me and go over to my clothes, signaling that I'm done. He hangs his head and heads over to his clothes. My chest aches with the thought that I hurt him, but I push it away and shift. As soon as I get dressed, I go to Nick's truck. 

After a couple of minutes, he walks over and unlocks the doors. We sit in silence, not moving.

"So, do you want to come to my house or do you want me to take you to yours?" I think about it. I'm already late so it wouldn't hurt to be any later. Actually would, but I'm used to it. 

"We can go to yours." He nods and starts up his truck. We head to his house in silence.

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