Chapter 18

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Layla's POV

I wake on a cold, hard floor. I look around but don't see much. Where the crap am I? I look around and even with my wolf vision helping, it's hard to see because it's so dark. So I rule out windows.

  What about a door? I get up and instantly regret it when bile rises in my throat. I throw up and wipe my mouth. I stand up and move past it, walking around the room. How can I get out of here?   

Light suddenly shines throughout the room and I have to blink fast to adjust my vision. A sharp crack fills the quiet room and it takes me a second to process that it was my jaw. I look at the perpetrator. Derek.

"Looks like you made a mess,"Derek states, looking over at the vomit. "Good thing it's going to get messy anyway." Derek grabs my hair, kneeing me in the stomach and throwing me into the wall. He starts punching and kicking me everywhere. I whimper and cower, hoping to catch him off guard when I attack him. It works and I'm able to get him down.

"Why? Why come after me when you had the chance to run and be free?" I ask him bitterly and generally confused. I mean, I want him locked up, but he didn't keep running like I thought he would. "Your screwed now. I can mind link the pack now that we're joined."

"You idiot. I injected you with wolfsbane,"Derek cackles and I punch him, shutting him up.

"Where are we?" He just stares at me. "WHERE ARE WE!" He flinches and smiles.

"They'll never find you. Never." I cock my head at him and change the subject.

"I read what Ryan Lingley wrote in that encrypted file." I can see a look of horror flash across Derek's face and I smile. "I know that somewhere in this place that we're in, is Eric Smith. He was supposedly murdered 3 years ago, but they never found a body. The family got a picture sent to them of a 'dead' Eric. Even his wife, Mackenzie Smith, got one. Fun fact, this Mackenzie Smith, was Mackenzie Hill before she was married. I think it's interesting that Eric would be with you so before you took me, I dug into it. Apparently, he left to go convince another pack to unite with his pack. He got there and discovered something very important, but was never able to tell anyone because he was kidnapped and 'killed' before he could make it back."

"So?"Derek shouts and I punch him, breaking his nose.

"You bastard! I have a sister and you never told me. You dated this woman, got her pregnant and then left. Then you decide that 5 years later, that you'll do it again. Except this time you decided to take the baby with you. Why would you leave Susan? Why would you take me?"

"Don't you get it? Rose had power, a pack. Susan was just a beta. I wasn't going to settle being second in command. Then, when your mother found her mate, I wasn't going to let her take the pack and you."

"What's her name?" He looks at me like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I put my hands around his throat and squeeze. "What is my sister's name?"

"Brynn,"Derek rasps. "Brynn Hartley." I loosen my grip on his neck and try to think of a plan. Derek uses that to his advantage and wraps his legs around my neck and pulls. We're so close that our noses are touching. I punch his side, winding him and struggle out of his hold on my neck. We stand up at the same time and circle each other.

He lunges at me, but I'm prepared. I have my claws out and ground them into his stomach. He stops and starts coughing up blood. Ironic. Karma's a bitch, right?

I lower him as the life drains out of his eyes. I don't shed a single tear. He may of been my biological father, but he never came close to a emotional one. I set him down and look through his pockets. I find a set of keys, but none look like they belong to a car. I run through his little house, discovering that he had me in the basement. I see another padlocked room, but I ignore it for now, needing to figure out where I am.

I open the front door and stop. Oh crap.

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