Chapter 23

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Layla's POV

A few days later, I'm released from the hospital and sent home. Nick, Eric, Darla, and Mackenzie are the only ones who know I'm pregnant. Nick and I decided to wait until I get back into my normal routine. I have nightmares sometimes, but since Eric was in the bed next to me, he helped me through them. I did the same for him.

"Home sweet home,"Nick says, pulling the driveway. He opens the door for me and I struggle to get out because of my sling. I get out and Nick wraps his arm around my waist as we walk up to the front door.

I told everybody about my half sister and now we have everybody looking for her. I don't know if she knows about me or not, but I hope that she'll allow me to be in her life when I find her. If not, I'll just take it and leave. I would just like to see her at least once.

"You okay?"Nick asks, jarring me out of my thoughts. I smile and nod and, for once, it's the truth. I'm home, I'm going to be a mother and I'm going to find my sister. Nick smiles and opens the door. I head directly to our room and jump onto the bed. I sigh in relief. After weeks of hard, cold ground and then several days on a hospital bed, I'm glad to be in an actual bed.

Nick laughs and lays down next to me. I put my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep, finally home.


A few weeks later, I start showing just a little. Nick pointed it out and I knew that I had to tell the pack before I got bigger. I'm almost 3 months along and since I'm a werewolf, I'll only be pregnant for 5 months. I'll get really big at around 4 months so I really have to hurry and tell them.

"Are you sure?"Nick asks for the hundredth time that day. I finish putting on my dress and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm completely and totally sure. Your just nervous about what people will say." Nick doesn't even try to deny it. "It's going to be okay. If people have a problem with it, they can shove it because we are the leaders of this pack. And anyway, no one's going to have a problem with it. They'll be so happy. Especially, Ashley. She has been begging to have a niece or nephew since we got back from our honeymoon."

"Really?" I nod. Ashley has brought up me having a baby every chance she got. It's gotten even worse since they found Eric and I. "Well, I guess she's getting her wish."

"Yeah and I'm getting mine." Nick raises his eyebrows.

"And what might your wish be?" I play with his hair, glad that my arm is out of the sling. The wolfsbane wore off and my werewolf healing kicked in. I was completely healed in a week.

"That I would have a family one day." Nick grins and kisses me, causing my stomach to flutter. "I love you."

"I love you too, Layla. Now lets go tell everybody." Nick exhales shakely and we head out into the backyard where the pack is lounging around, eating burgers. We told them that this was just supposed to be a barbecue to celebrate mine and Eric's return.

I see my mom and head over to her.

"Layla, how are you?"

"I'm good. Sorry that I haven't been over to see you for a couple of days. I've just been busy." My mom hugs me and then I get dragged over to where Nick's parents are. Will and Jennifer hug me and start to talk to me before Eric drags me away to talk.

"Are you ready?" I nod and Eric kisses my forehead. After about an hour of being dragged all over the place, Nick comes to my rescue.

"Let's do this,"I tell him and we step onto the porch.

"Can we have everybody's attention,"Nick demands more than asks. I grab his hand and squeeze it. "We have something that we would like to tell you."

"I'm...we're going to have a baby,"I say and the pack erupts in cheers. We go around getting hugs and congratulations from everybody.

"Layla, I'm so happy,"my mom says, crying. "I'm going to be a grandmother." Henry puts a hand on her shoulder and I can tell he feels awkward about where he stands in my life.

"And you will be a grandfather,"I tell him, earning a smile and a hug from him.

"You meany,"Ashley yells, coming up and hugging me. "You didn't tell me."

"Sorry Ashley, but we all know you can't keep a secret." I laugh and look for Nick, who managed to get dragged away from me. I spot him hugging his parents and he looks over at me, his eyes so full of love. I smile at him, happy at where my life turned up. I can't think of it being any better.


2 months and several agonizing hours later, Nick and I welcome Taylor Jane Hill. We named her Taylor after Nick's mom's middle name and Jane after my mom's middle name. I hold her in my arms, surrounded by loved ones. I wish that my sister could be here for this, but I still haven't found her yet. I won't stop looking until I do.

"She's beautiful,"Nick whispers, kissing my cheek and then Taylors.

"Yes, she is." Life just got better.

A/N- I'm sorry that I keep doing Layla's POV. I just feel like right now it's better from her perspective. I'll do some of Nick's next chapter though. I hope you guys are enjoying it!

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