Chapter 21

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Nick's POV

I shift into a wolf and start following Layla's scent. It's hard though since it stormed last night. We travel for a few hours before I get a stronger whiff of it. We get to a small cave and I can see the remnants of a fire.

She was here recently, I tell my pack over the mind link. I can smell Eric so he's definitely with her. Come on, they can't be far.

I start running and stop when Mackenzie's wolf runs out in front of me and stops. We both shift, getting dressed before arguing.

"What the hell?"

"It's getting dark and the pack is exhausted. Let us rest for a few hours and then we can continue."

"But we're so close. If we stop now, they'll get further away."

"Yes, but if we keep going, the pack will be too tired and we could lose the scent and then we won't find them at all. I want to keep going too, trust me, but you have to think of the pack." I sigh, knowing that she's right. I look off in the distance and whimper. So close.

Layla's POV

Just a little further, I chant to myself. We've been walking since dawn and I don't know how much longer I can keep going. Eric is several yards away from me and I don't think he realizes how far back I am.

"Come on,"Eric calls. Nevermind, I guess he does know. I start to run to catch up with him, but have to stop when a wave of nausea hits me. I turn and throw up behind a tree. I feel a hand on my back and my hair being held up. Eric and I stay like that until I stop puking a few minutes later.

"Sorry,"I croak. "I must have a bug or something." Eric raises an eyebrow and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Layla, could you be pregnant?" I gasp as I realize that I probably am. Nick and I didn't use protection during our honeymoon and my period is late. I should've guessed when I was getting sick, but I just thought it was the wolfsbane. This makes surviving and getting home even more important.

"I think I am,"I whisper to Eric, tears falling down my face.

"Hey, it's okay. We're going to get home, healthy and ready to move on with our lives." I nod and we keep walking, slower now. I can't stop the doubts from flooding my head. What if I'm a horrible mother? I mean, I am a killer. Nick won't want our kid to have a killer for a mother? Hell, I don't want our kid to. What if I do something to hurt the baby? Nick would hate me. He probably already does for making me worry him. All of the insecurities that Derek caused me to have, come rushing back and I can't stop the tears from falling. I'm so weak.

"You're not weak, Layla,"Eric tells me sternly. I must've said that out loud. "Whatever is going on in your head, stop it. Stop that right now. We will make it out of this and you will be a mother. A great one."

"How do you know?"I ask shakely, sounding like a little kid.

"Because you took care of me for a week and somehow didn't have a meltdown. I know that I would've. You could've left me to die there and made it out of here in no time, but instead you saved me. You have been through so much and I know that you would never let anything happen to your child."

"Really?" Eric nods.

"Really. Now lets keep going and we'll find shelter in a couple of hours. Okay?" I nod and I walk alongside Eric, glad that I saved him. I probably would've given up a long time ago if not for him. I tell Eric as much and he just grabs my hand and squeezes. I don't have a big brother, but I'm guessing that this is what it's like having one.


A few hours later, Eric stops me suddenly. I frown at him as he shushes me. I hear rustling, but without my wolf hearing, I can't tell what it is.

"Run,"Eric says and we take off, hand in hand as fast as we can go. We both look back at the same time and I realize how big of a mistake that was. Suddenly, there's no ground beneath my feet and Eric and I tumble down a ravine. I wrap my arms around my stomach to try and protect my baby. We finally get to the bottom and I stand up shakely. My left arm hangs limp at my side and hurts like a mother.

"Eric,"I call out softly. I spot him groaning, his leg twisted under him at a bad angle. There's no doubt that he broke it.

"Go Layla."

"I'm not leaving you, Eric."

"You don't just have yourself to protect now. You have a baby to think of. Now run." I kiss his cheek and run, not looking back, for fear that I'll stop and turn around. I run for several minutes before hearing footsteps behind me. A roaring sound fills my ears as I push myself to run faster. I cry out as I'm tackled from behind. Damn it, I'm caught. I failed Eric. I failed my baby.

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