chapter 16

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Toy beddy's pov

When I went to go back to the basement I decided to walk. When I got there Goldie and springtrap were kissing. So I went in the far corner on the other side to stay stay from springtrap. Goldie I don't mind but it's mainly springtrap. When I woke up Goldie was gone and springtrap was still there. As I left I saw Some people in the kitchen.  As I walked in Goldie and puppet said good morning ballora said hi and freddy just kept cooking. Is everyone asleep still? Ballora said yea. So freddy what's for breakfast. He turned around and said eggs and pancakes, I nodded and sat down in a chair. Then Goldie asked if springtrap was still asleep? yea he is I said annoyed. Ballora looked at Goldie, then asked me if me and springtrap were ok. I said nope he hates me. Goldie looked shocked and asked why. He thinks I'm stealing you away from him.

Goldie's pov

When she said that I was shocked he never gets jelouse. Then when I finished eating I thanked my brother and went into the basement. I saw springy still sitting there but awake. Hey what's up. He looked at me and said nothing just thinking. Oh and I sat next to him. I layed my head on his shoulder then said do you hate toy beddy. He looked at me then said yes. I asked him why.

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