chapter 22

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*This is after the fight*

Toy beddy's pov

We were trying to heal up because nobody knew about what happened. I was trying to heal my self springtrap I'm surprised is not dead. Puppet has an arm off And I need a new bow and eyepacth. As I fixed myself they fixed springtrap completely so there was no holes in him. He looked like me but with different features. As soon as everyone was fixed we went up to eat. Good thing we were in time. Ballora kept asking where puppet was. But he kept saying I went to go visit an old friend.  Ballora would not believe him, but soon gave in. Goldie and freddy were finely talking but I stayed far away from everyone. Only a few people noticed tried to talk to me but I would not awnser. When I finished I went downstairs to the basement.  Soon chica and mangle came down to talk. I asked what they needed. Mangle said you ok? I said yea just a few old memories Why i lied? Well we tried talking to you but you would not awnser chica said. Oh sorry I was lost in thought I lied. They said k then but if you have a problem just let me know. K bye then they left. I have an issue but no one can help with.

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