chapter 30

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Goldie's pov

I wasn't fully asleep but then I heard toy beddy sing just gold. man she sings good. * in the morning* when I woke up I saw toy beddy but she was playing on a phone?! Where'd you get the phone? Oh I stole it from the guard. Why? Because I wanted to and spring wants you in the kitchen. Ok I'll go now since I'm bored. As I was walking to the kitchen I heard a huge crash. I ran in and said what's wrong! He looked at me then said well there goes your breakfast. I started to laugh. What's so funny he said defensively. Sorry man it's really funny how you said that. Oh I need you to help me with something. What? I need you to help me make a cake. Why I started to ask then he said well will you help me or will or have to ask toy beddy. I'll help man calm down. What type of cake are we making? None of your business I just need ingredients. Dang pissy mood now. Hey can you just get them here's a list. After I got them he told me to get out. Wow he's pissed off. Then I went to go find puppet or toy beddy.

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