First Day of School

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Rainbow Dash POV
I wake up, it's 6:30am in the morning. I remember it's my first day of high school. I can't wait to see my friends again. Out of excitement, I jump out of bed and start getting ready for school. My parents seem like they went to work already so I just take something out of the fridge for breakfast. I then get in my car and start heading to Canterlot High which is like 20mins away.
-20 mins later-
I arrive at school. I see all my friends. "Hi Guys! Miss me?" I said. Then I see, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, AppleJack and Pinkie Pie come towards me for a hug. "There you are!" AppleJack said. So after a little chat, we all went inside to get our schedules and go to our first period. My first period was English and I had it with AppleJack. The bell rings and class starts. "Hello class, I'm Ms. Cherry. I will be your english teacher for this school year" said the teacher. So class then goes on and I then hear... "Mr. Blitz, mind telling us what's so interesting that you have to tell Mr. AJ?" Ms. Cherry said. AJ and I look back and see two guys that look just like us. It was very interesting.
Rainbow Blitz POV
I see two girls who look just like AJ and I after Ms. Cherry scolded me. I tell AJ that and he saw them too. So we decided to meet the rest of the guys at lunch to tell them.
-3 Hours later-
I see the guys and my subject before lunch was with AJ which was perfect. We then walked toward the guys and told them about the girls that looked like us. They said the same thing, except they looked like them. We then decided to go to the cafeteria to eat and then we heard this... "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FOR TODAY'S ENTERTAINMENT FOR LUNCH, WE HAVE NONE OTHER THAN THE RAINBOOMS TO SING FOR US!" The guys and I decided to watch those girls. The curtains opened and it was the girls who looked just like us. Then they started to sing.
-Rainbooms start singing- (Play the video below to hear the song)

Still Rainbow Blitz POV
Wow...the guys and I were so surprised when they finished performing. After hearing them sing, especially the girl who looks like me..I feel different about her. Ugh, Blitz stop feeling this, you have no time for feelings.
Rainbow Dash POV
After performing, I saw guys who looked exactly like my friends and I, and that guy from my class. I told the girls and they saw them. We then went back to our table to eat. A few minutes later, those guys came to our table and told us how awesome our performance was. They also introduced themselves. So the guy who looks like Twilight is named Dusk, the guy who looks like Fluttershy is named Butterscotch, the guy who looks like rarity is named Elusive, the guy who looks like Pinkie is named Bubble Berrie, the guy who looks like AppleJack is named AJ and finally the guy who looks like me is named Rainbow Blitz but he prefers to be called Blitz. So there lunch ended and we all went to class.
-At the end of the day (3pm)-
The girls and I wanted to get to know those guys better so we decided to ask them to go to the park with us so we can get to know them better.
Rainbow Blitz POV
When the guys and I walked out of school, the girls went to us and Rarity asked us "Would you gentlemen want to go to the park with us so we can get to know each other better?". We all agreed and all twelve of us walked to the park. An hour later, we all got really close and ended up being really good friends. It was really cool hanging out with Dash. Oh and yes we all call her that now. I don't know what's happening to me but whenever I'm around Dash now, I feel amazing. We have a lot of common, we are so much alike.

Have I fallen in love with her?

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