3 Months Later...

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Rainbow Blitz POV
It's been a few months since Dash and I first kissed. I pray everyday that we get to have that moment again. Everyday I can feel my connection with Dash getting stronger. We hangout almost everyday. It's kinda normal now too, I mean the other guys and girls are starting to get together. In the last few months, a lot has happened. Elusive and Rarity are now officially dating, also Twilight and Dusk and Pinkie and Bubble. They are amazing together. Although, AJ still doesn't have the guts to ask AppleJack out, Butterscotch too. Dash and I aren't official, i'm still kinda giving her time. Plus, I'm gonna ask her out soon, but it needs to be special. Hmm..this fresh air in the school's garden is helping me a lot. I hear someone, "Hey Blitz!". I look back, "Oh, hey AJ, what's up?" I asked. "I just wanted to see how you doing, you weren't acting like yourself today at school." he said. "I know, I just have a lot on my mind.", "I need to tell you something but don't tell anyone, promise?" I said. "Bubble Promise." he said. "I'm gonna ask Dash out soon, we've been getting closer, I can feel it. I think we're both ready." I told him. "Go for it, we'll be here to help. Just tell us how to help and keep planning the perfect way to ask her." he told me. I thanked him and we hugged. We both then went to the other 10 people of our group. "Is everyone here?" asked Fluttershy and Butterscotch. "I think so." said Twilight and Rarity. "Wait, where's Dash?" I asked. "She said she'll be here, maybe something happened. We should go check around" said AppleJack. So we did, we searched for her in groups, I was with Dusk and Bubble Berrie.
Rainbow Dash POV
I just finished putting my books in my locked and started walking to head to my group. Then I get interrupted..."Hey there Dashie.", I hear a familiar voice. "SOARIN! What do you want now?! If you want me, you have no chance!" I shouted. "Well then, if I can't have you, no one can." he said evilly. He starts beating me up with 2 other people. I try to fight back but I was to weak, I was beaten up too much that I even started bleeding. One of the guys hit me with one last punch and everything went black. The last thing I saw was Soarin walking away laughing then my eyes closed shut.
Dusk POV
We were searching for Dash for 10 mins and then I hear screaming from Blitz.
Rainbow Blitz POV
"DASH!" I shouted. I saw her unconscious on the floor bleeding. I ran up to her and tried to hear for a heartbeat, there was thankfully but it wasn't strong. Dusk and Bubble showed up behind me to help me get Dash to the hospital. Bubble decided to tell the others. Dusk and I tried to go as fast we we can to get to the hospital.
Bubble Berrie POV
I ran as fast as I could to find everyone and tell them what happened. We all went to the other car that Dusk and Blitz didn't take and started driving to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, we saw Blitz on his knees crying and Dusk trying to comfort him. They were outside the emergency room.
Rainbow Blitz POV
I'm crying so hard right now. I looked through the window and Dash lost her heartbeat, It hurt so much I fell on my knees. Everyone was there crying or comforting me.
Rainbow Dash POV
Where am I? Why am I here? I suddenly look to my left and I see my wonderful grandparents who sadly died due to a car crash because of an idiot who got arrested thankfully. I miss them so much. I then look to my right and I see all my friends and Blitz crying. I had to choose.

I decided to pick my...

Guys I'm sorry for the really big time gap from the last chapter, I just had no other idea what to write but thanks for reading!

How did you do this to me? (DashBlitz Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now