A Miracle

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Rainbow Dash POV
I decided to pick my friends. My friends need me, so I walk to my towards them and the next thing I know I wake up in a hospital bed with all the doctors relieved.
Rainbow Blitz POV
Suddenly, Dash's heartbeat is back! She's alive! We all had tears of joy. The doctor went out of the room and told us "Thankfully, Dash managed to survive, it's a miracle. Although, she may be in a coma for a few months. Please wait in the waiting room everyone. Only one person can see her right now." he said it happily. So we were deciding and the rest insisted for me to be the one person. So I went with the doctor and he brought me to Dash's room. He left to give me or us privacy. It hurt me so much to see her like this. I swear I'm gonna kill the person who did this to her. I kept texting the others to update them on what's happening. The doctor said she'd be in a coma for a while. I still was crying. I kept talking to her and telling her to come back. I needed her, we needed her. It has been a few days. I was about to leave so someone can take over and I can go rest. And then suddenly, her eyes opened.
Rainbow Dash POV
I open my eyes. "Where am I?" I ask. Then I see Blitz crying with tears of joy. The first thing I heard when I woke up was "DOCTOR! SHE'S AWAKE!" Blitz shouted. Then, a doctor and some nurses came in and pushed Blitz out so they can checkup on me. After a few minutes, I saw all my friends run in and hug me. "Darling! What happened to you? How did this happen?" Rarity asked. "Yeah! You have a lot of explaining to do!" Blitz said in a concern way. So I started explaining. "I was walking to meet you guys at after school and then I hear Soarin. He came to me and he tried to win me back but I refused. He said "If I can't have you, no one can.". He called 2 other guys and they started beating me up. I tried to fight back but I was too weak. Next thing I know it, he was leaving and then everything went black. And then...i'm here now. "YOU ALMOST DIED. DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS." Blitz shouted. Everyone decided to leave me and Blitz so we can talk.
Rainbow Blitz POV
"Dash, look, I was really scared and worried." I told her. She tried to sit up but she was still weak. I told her to take it easy. "I'm sorry Blitz, I didn't know I meant a lot to you.". I started blushing. "Look, I've told you before but I really like you. In fact, I love you. I was planning something special but, would you be my girlfriend?" I said. She suddenly got the strength to sit up and...kiss me. "Yes I will. I love you too." she said after. This was the happiest day of my life. I went outside to tell the others and came back to Dash. She was starting to fall asleep when I came back so I decided to give her so,e peace and leave. She told me to stay though so I did. I held her hand until she fell asleep. It's late already by this time. So I went home, the others went ahead.
Fluttershy POV
I heard the doorbell ring so I went to answer it. It was Blitz. He came to update us about Dash. He told us she's fine which is good. "I'll be going now." Blitz said. Then he left. The next morning, I hear a knock on the door and I answer it. I'm always answering the door nowadays. "It's Rainbow Dash!" I screamed. I mean "Yay..." I said shyly. The rest come to hug her. She surprised us. "I thought you weren't allowed to go home until next week?!" Twilight said. "Well, I healed quickly and I don't know how, but I'm here now." Dash said. We were all so happy. After a few days, Dash was ready to go back to school.

How did you do this to me? (DashBlitz Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now