Revenge is Sweet

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Rainbow Dash POV
Finally, after a few days I was able to go back to school. I've never been so happy to be in school. To be honest, staying at home got boring. I was walking to my locker and then I saw the girls. So I put my stuff in my locker, got the stuff I needed and went over to them. "Oh hello darling, how are you feeling?" Rarity asked me. "I'm doing better. I just hope I don't see that jerk again." I told them. Then I heard a familiar voice 10 mins before the bell, "Well that's great.". I look back and then I see Blitz and hug him. "O-oh yeah..y-you two are dating now." Fluttershy said.
-Bell Rings-
"I'll see you girls later, c'mon Blitz we have History together." I said. So we walked down to class. While walking Blitz asked me "Do you wanna play soccer later after school?". I said "Sure.".
-Time Skip to the End of the School Day-
"Hiya Dash! Wanna go to the mall with us?" AppleJack asked me. "Sorry girls, I'm gonna play soccer with Blitz. I'll see you girls tomorrow for the school carnival." I told them. "ALRIGHTY! WE'LL SEE YOU THEN!" WAIT WE LIVE TOGETHER SILLY!" Pinkie said or more like screamed. "Oh yeah." I responded. I then went over to the field and saw Blitz waiting for me. I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You ready to play Blitz?" I asked. It took a while for him to respond but he said yeah. So we started playing. We've been playing for 2 hours now and I was about to shoot a goal until our game got interrupted. "Well well, I see you've recovered fro, your injuries already." I heard a voice near behind me. It's Soarin. "What do you want Soarin? You already put me in the hospital and almost caused me to die. What else you need from me?" I told him. "I just came here to finish you off. I guess I didn't hit you hard en-" Soarin said before his punch towards me was blocked by Blitz. "Not a step closer. I don't want you near Dash ever again. If you hurt her again, I will make sure you will suffer a lifetime." Blitz said then punched Soarin in the face really hard. Soarin like the wimp he his, ran away scared. I thanked Blitz and hugged him. "I'm not letting you get hurt again, I promise." he said to me. I thanked him again and then I said I have to go back home. Before I left, I kissed him and said "You better be at the school carnival tomorrow." I told him and then smirked. So I went back home and was happy because Soarin got what he deserved.
Rainbow Blitz POV
After Dash kinda flirted with me. I just stood there smiling until my phone ringed and Butterscotch told me to go home already. Before I went home, I passed by the soccer store before it closes because I needed extra soccer balls. While Dash and I were playing we accidentally lost some balls. I check the time, it's 9:30 already. The house is 20 mins away from the store so I started walking. I got their by 10 or late 9.
(Guys by the way, I'm just gonna make it so that they all live together so it's easier for me to write the story. Thanks! Sorry again for changing it. -andybesh)
So I got home and ate a light dinner. The guys went ahead to go sleep because it's late already. I got ready for bed and slept. I woke up by the guys' voice. "TODAY IS GONNA BE SO FUN!" Bubble said. "Ow my ears.." I said softly. "Today is gonna be eventful because after the school carnival, us and the girls are gonna move in one big house." Dusk said. "How did I not know about this?!" I said. "Well, to be honest, we forgot to tell ya." AJ said. After that we got ready and went to school. We saw the girls and said Hi to them and shared our thoughts and excitement about moving in together.

How did you do this to me? (DashBlitz Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن