School Carnival

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Rainbow Blitz POV
Oh and I forgot to mention, their outfits are amazing. I love Dash's the most tho. I'm definitely not bias. Well Dash was wearing a light blue crop top shirt (w/ their cutie mark) and some denim shorts. We were all talking until the someone came. "Hey guys!" some girl said. Us guys were confused but the girls were so happy. "Sunset Shimmer! You're back!" all the girls said. Unfortunately, their little reunion was interrupted. "Ladies and Gentlemen, to start off the carnival, we'll have the one and only Rainbooms to perform a few songs for us!" Principal Celestia said. So we left the girls so they could perform and went in front of the stage to get a seat. Then they started singing some songs.
-Play the videos below the hear the songs they played-

Sunset Shimmer POV
After we performed, everyone updated me while I was gone. "WOAH! I NEVER THOUGHT RAINBOW DASH WOULD BE THE FIRST TO GET A BOYFRIEND OUT OF YOU GIRLS!" I said. "Me too darling. No offense Dash, I mean you're stubborn around guys." Rarity said. "Well thanks guys.." Dash said. "Hey I'm Blitz, Dash's boyfriend. I'm guessing you're Sunset Shimmer. The girls talk about you sometimes." Blitz said. "Nice to meet you. Nice to meet everyone." I said.
Rainbow Dash POV
"C'mon guys! Less talking, more action! Let's have some fun!" I said. "Yeah okay!" everyone else said. "Let's go in pairs so that we don't lose each other around so easily." Dusk said.  So we did. I went with Blitz of course but since our group is now an odd number amount, Sunset went with me and a Blitz. She wanted to know more on what's going on and how we happened. So while we were going around, Sunset asked us questions. " did you two happen?😏😏" she asked. Me and Blitz started blushing. "Well, we just met this year. The girls and I found guys who looked just like us and we started hanging out as one big group. This made me and Blitz closer." I said. "Also, there was this sleepover where Dash and I were dared to kiss each other. So we ended up confessing to each other and we kissed. About our relationship didn't start there." Blitz said. "We waited a few months then I was beaten up and sent to the hospital and that's when Blitz asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted and yeah." I said also. "Wow, no wonder why you two are the perfect couple." Sunset said. We all laughed. Then it was time to meet back with the group. So we all met up in one place. "OH WAIT GIRLS! WE FORGOT TO TELL YOU! US BOYS JOINED TO BOYS' SOCCER TEAM AND WE HAVE A GAME THIS SUNDAY!" Bubble shouted aloud. "Oww mah ears..." Applejack said. "Oh really? Who's captain?" Twilight asked. "Me." Blitz said. "Cool! I never knew! I'm captain of the girls' soccer team! Applejack and Sunset are a part too." I said. "Yeah and we also have a game this Sunday!" Sunset said. "I-I guess we're w-watching two g-games now." Fluttershy shyly said. "I believe that the boys' game is first then the girls'." Dusk said. "Well it's all set darlings, our Sunday is now planned." Elusive said. So we all continued having fun and counted down the days till Sunday.

Sorry guys this chapter is much more shorter than usual. I'm trying my best to keep being creative and thinking for this book. Thanks for understanding!

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