Angst - Until You're Gray and Old

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Loki knew that when he become Tony's partner he would stay young while Tony aged quicker, but it doesn't make it any easier on his heart seeing his loved one grow old.

[Loki's POV]

Tony was doing it again.

Thinking and telling himself - and me - that he could manage tasks on his own. He had done this multiple times, and it always ended in a mess, or him hurting himself, or both of us fighting. I knew I shouldn't yell at him, but it was so difficult with him like this...with him being so...old...and forgetful...

I knew ever since I started a relationship with Tony, that he would grow to be the kind of elderly that swear they can do things themselves, and the kind that say they don't need help, or they don't need to go to a home.

But I know that one day he will. He can't keep living like this, and I can't keep looking after him or worrying my ass off while someone else cared for him at home while I was away. I did trust others, it was just the fact I wouldn't be so worried if he was in a home, in an environment tailored to his needs, not his lab, or his bar.

I sighed, placing my book down and walking over to him. He was trying to shut off J.A.R.V.I.S, even though I had told him multiple times how much the A.I helped him, and how much he needed him to stay on. But he wouldn't listen. "The damn thing is always telling me what to do and agreeing with you! He never agrees with me anymore, he always bosses me around! I made him, so I'm the boss!" He shouted, trying all these options and messing around with all the systems.

"Anthony, please..." I began, slowly and gently holding his arm, pulling him away from the screen. "...I've told you multiple times...leave him. Please." If I told him gently, he'd listen to me more, no matter how angry he made me, I had to stay calm. Tony just sighed, finally letting me take control of his arm. "I just want stop bossing me around and-" "-I know Anthony, I know..." I cut him off, to stop him rambling on.

I kept hold of his arm, slowly walking with him to the couch, leading him to sit down, while he used his cane to balance him and for extra support. I sighed, sitting down next to him and taking his cane, placing it on the couch next to me. "Just relax darling...please." I placed an arm on his back, rubbing it gently. "You look tired, Anthony. Do you want to go to bed? Get some rest? You've been up on your feet all day." I asked him softly, tilting my head.

Tony shook his head, but I rose an eyebrow, and leaned in closer. " you want to go to bed?" I asked again. He slowly nodded, and a smile spread across my face. "I knew it." I chuckled and stood up, extending out my hand. "Come on darling." Tony took my hand and I gently pulled him to his feet, giving him his cane.

We walked across the room, slowly and gently. As we did so, we passed a mirror and Tony stopped. "Look at me..." He started. "...old and wrinkled...wearing sweaters instead of suits..." He chuckled weakly and his eyes moved to me. "...and look at you...still young and able to move about as quick as ever...still handsome too..." He smiled. "No Anthony, you're still handsome, and I still love you as much as I did when you were younger...never forget that, my love."

His eyes crinkled as he smiled wider, letting out another chuckle. I held his hand and closed my eyes, kissing his cheek. "Now let's get you some look tired." "No...that's just how I am normally Loki...." He laughed, starting to walk towards his room, me waking along side him.


Tony lay in his bed, finally able to relax. It took ages to get him into bed now, his joints and muscles failing him dearly. I pulled up a chair, sitting next to him, resting my hand on his leg as we looked into each other's eyes. "Why did you cut your hair Loki...? You look so much before you knew about your...your..." "...Jotun form." I said, smiling as I knew he had forgotten what it was called again. He nodded and smiled weakly.

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