Smut - College Lovers

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This isn't set around college in America since I am a tea drinker and do not understand, so they're at college age (18) of that makes sense :')

This contains someone overhearing noises and also praise kink which @ThatTinyWolfLover has inspired me to use ;)
Alone in his room, Loki wishes that his relationship with Tony was public, and could be accepted. But Tony soon gets rid of these worries when he shows up outside his bedroom window.

[Loki's POV]

Connecting my pencil to the paper, I began dragging it along, creating lines and the shadows of Tony's jawline, adding small, quick strokes for his facial hair, making sure his slicked back hair on the top of his head had the same detail. His cheekbones I gave shading, his plump lips looking kissable as ever once I had finished drawing them...but the eyes...I could never draw his eyes...

His nose, fine, his eyebrows, piece of cake, but his eyes...I just couldn't get right. I could never get that look of pure love in them, the long eyelashes never looked exactly like his, not to mention the adorable creases near his eyes when he smiled...I could never recreate that. I tried again and again, but settled for something that looked somewhat acceptable to my standards.

Sighing, I stared at the drawing, wishing it was really him I could be looking at. Suddenly, my door burst open, Odin standing in the doorway. I quickly hid my sketchbook, trying to look relaxed and not like he had just caught me doing something. "Loki, it is late. Get to bed." He spoke, looking around my room. "Yes father." I replied, watching him close my door and leave. Letting out yet another sigh, I hid my sketchbook under my bed and began to undress.

My 'father' did not agree with me taking a liking to mortals, especially men. He thought that we were of a higher standard than them, and that associating ourselves with them would lower our own self worth. Upon finding this out, I instantly made the decision to never tell him about me and Anthony. We had been in a relationship for about a year now, Tony's mother approved of us together, his father not so much...not that he even saw us together often, since he was never around...poor Anthony.

Undressing until I was in my boxers, I stared into the mirror. My arms were skinny and my hands were bony, my chest only slightly muscular and my hair a mess. How did Anthony love me when I looked like this? He was much more muscular and handsome, always looking after his scruff he had started to grow out, always looking great in whatever he wore. Watching him in his classes was my favourite thing to do sometimes, seeing the cute concentration on his face was a pleasure.

I just studied magic and art, it was all I was good at really. Taking a death breath and letting it out, I turned away from the mirror, laying in bed and getting under the covers, closing my eyes.


I woke up, furrowing my eyebrows.


There it was again...that noise...what was it?


Sitting up, I looked at my door. It didn't sound like a knock, so what was it?


My ears flinched and I turned to the window, watching a pebble hit it and fall back down to the ground. I leaped out of bed, drawing the curtains back fully and looking out. Anthony was stood on the ground, waving and dropping the remaining pebbles he was going to use from his hand. Opening the window, I leaned out. "Anthony! What are you doing here? It's late, if my father sees you-"
"I know, I know, I just wanna come up and talk to you, please?"

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