Angst - A Battle Lost

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I know Doctor Doom isn't in the MCU but if you've seen Avengers Assemble/read the comics you should be a-okay!
With Tony and Loki working together in battles, they were practically unstoppable...until...

[Tony's POV]

"Hey, Loki? What are Asgardian weddings like?"
"And why would you be curious about that, my dear?"
"No reason."

Sitting on the couch in my tower, legs crossed and a book in hand, Loki chuckled and placed his bookmark between the pages, placing the book down gently and facing me as I stood at the bar. "Weddings on Asgard - what I know of them - are more of a ceremony. It is a celebration and a day to remember our ancestors, the couple must honour each other's family as well as earn respect from the gods."

"Seems a bit much, doesn't it?"

Loki shook his head and chuckled, picking up his book again and continuing where he left off. "Yes, I do agree with you. I have never agreed with all that nonsense, and besides, I doubt I would be allowed to follow such rules and traditions." I tilted my head in confusion, ready to ask why, but then I remembered. "Oh, because you're it."

Loki kept a smile on his face while his eyes scanned the pages, and it made me feel so proud that he wasn't hurt by his true past anymore. We could talk deeply about it, make jokes, mention it with ease, and it wouldn't bother him. I was so, so damn proud of him. "I can't wait to marry you one day." I suddenly spoke.

His eyes widened and he lowered his book. "W-What?" He responded with a flustered expression. "I can't wait to marry you!" I repeated, walking away from the bar and towards him with a big smile on my face. "Oh, you really did say that? So I wasn't hearing things..." I took a seat next to him and tilted my head while raising my eyebrow, giving him a questioning look. "Why does it come as such a shock to you? Did you think I wouldn't wanna marry a beautiful god like you?"

"It's not that, Tony, I just it would happen? With me being from Asgard and you from Earth, we-"
"-we wouldn't have to give a damn! Think about it, you don't have to follow those Asgardian traditions, yes? And I wouldn't be allowed to follow them, and there's no rules or laws on Earth that forbid me from marrying a god...and if there is, I'll pay to get rid of them."

A small smile crept up on his face, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. "Oh Tony..." He began. "...there's nothing in this world that I'd love more than to marry you." Closing and setting down his book again, he turned to me and caressed my cheek in his hand. "Even if there was a rule or a law stopping us, it wouldn't matter to me. I will always love you unconditionally, with wedding rings, or without."


Fast forward a couple weeks, and Doom showed up.

Doctor Doom.

Demonic creatures roamed the streets, swarming innocent people while Doom continued to summon more and more of them.

Clint and Cap helped the people of New York get to safety, while Hulk got rid of the creatures to avoid more bystanders getting hurt. Me, Loki and Thor took on the metal-masked freak.

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