Fluff - A Helping Hand

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Wowie Sorry this took so long, I'm back at college so I won't be able to update as often but I'll try! Sorry if this one's a bit boring, it's a chill and slow kind of one shot so sorry if that isn't your thing ^^
It's not everyday you decide to look after a man who's tried to throw you out a window before. But this feels different, there's something about him that Tony can't help but admire.

[Tony's POV]


It was so quiet and peaceful in the tower, not a single noise to be heard. Most nights I'd be blaring out AC/DC, or Black Sabbath, but tonight I just wanted it to be quiet. Don't get me wrong, I loved to blast music and dance all night, drinking and singing to myself, but some nights even I've got to relax and lower the volume. I wasn't making Stark tower look like a glowing beacon for once, too. I kept the lights off, sitting in the darkness while I scrolled through my phone. It was calming.

Until Jarvis started talking.

"Sir, my scans around the tower have shown-"
"Holy sHIT-!"

The quiet, relaxing atmosphere was quickly destroyed when my window shattered, a figure flying across the floor, laying on its stomach, one arm stretched out...holding...a spear?!

I quickly called my suit's hand repulsers, the metal flying to my wrist and forming across my palm and fingertips. I powered up the repulser, walking closer to the figure on the floor. "Jarvis. Lights." I commanded, the lights coming on in an instant...

...to revel Loki, battered and bruised, his hair a mess along with his face severely damaged, blood covering his forehead and cheek. There was blood on his spear and his armour, his eyes closed and his body completely still.

Why the hell was he here?!
Why did he crash through my window?
Who sent him flying into here?
Who hurt him?
Is he pretending to be wounded and unconscious to trick me?
Is this whole thing a trick?
Is this one of his copies?
Is this part of one of his plans?

Before my head exploded from all the questions racing through my head, I took in a deep breath and took a step back. "Jarvis, run a scan. Tell me if he's unconscious or not." I asked quickly, never taking my eyes off his closed ones, not even for a second. "Loki Laufeyson is unconscious, sir, but has multiple wounds that are bleeding and may become infected. His healing properties are helping him, but it is not enough, he needs medical assistance."

I nodded to Jarvis' words, putting down my hand and powering down my repulser. "What happened to him...why here? Why crash into my tower?" I asked as I shivered from the cold, broken glass covering the floor. "I do not know where he came from, sir, I only know that he was headed for the tower, however, the amount of speed must have been from him falling from a great height. I am not familiar with the weapon used on his wounds, it is not of Earth."

"Great...he's fallen from the sky after getting beat up, and where does he land? My living room." I sighed, shaking my head at the window. "Gonna have to call the guys to fix this...again..." "Sir," Jarvis interrupted. "my scans are showing that Mr. Laufeyson is gaining consciousness-" Before Jarvis could even finish his sentence, Loki's eyes shot open, sending my heart racing in a panic. I instantly powered up my repulser again, aiming it towards him.

Loki stumbled to his feet, picking up his spear, the sharp end scraping against the floor as he did so. He aimed it at me, fear clouding his eyes. "Do not...ha...rm...me a...gain..." I frowned in confusion, ready to fire at the god...but then his eyes started to close, and his body began to weaken. He...was falling? My eyes widened and I rushed towards him, catching him in my arms before he fell and hit the ground again.

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