Smut - Incubus (2/2)

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If you've come straight to the smut version of this story, refer to 'Fluff - Incubus (1/2)' for the comic this story is based on!

[Tony's POV]

Ever since I had been having conversations with Doctor Strange about demons and beings from other realms, there was a certain topic that caught my interest, and one that I hadn't been able to stop thinking about ever since I heard of it.

"Incubus, Stark."
"Do you really have to be so professional? Just call me Tony, loosen up a bit, magic man. And tell me more about incu-whatever's."

Stephen Strange sighed, turning a page in the large, dusty book he was holding. "Latin for 'nightmare', In medieval European folklore, the incubus is a male demon - or evil spirit - who visits women and men in their sleep to engage in sexual intercourse...some give the victim sensual dreams and seduce them while sleeping, and some, the more evil spirits, partake in sexual intercourse without consent." With a loud close of the book, he turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Can't you research this sort of thing in the comfort of your own home, Tony?"

"No! You've got all the real information! None of that fake internet stuff...I'm guessing you'll have all the ways to summon them and such too, huh?"
"And why would you want to know that?"
"Research! Curiosity! All this is real, right? And I've gotta protect the Earth and do my job, correct? So, I need to know about other threats from all these different dimensions!"
"Threats from other dimensions and universes are my problem, not yours. Now will you please leave and let me get on with my training?"
"Training? What, training that cape of yours? That really freaks me out, mind you, he-or she-or-it rather, must be very helpful-"
"Got it, I'll leave."

As I stopped leaning against the bookshelf and started to walk away, I decided to stop, and spin around on my heel, facing Strange again.

"I'll leave, if you give me that book." When he heard my words and raised his eyebrows, ready to turn me down and educate me on some mystical arts bullshit, I opened my mouth again, quickly. "Just for one day! Not even a day, a few hours. Or minutes? Seconds? Look, can I just take a peek at it myself? Hate you having to read it out to me like I'm a child."

"You are a child." Strange said, rolling his eyes and holding the book out for me to take. "I know you won't take no as an answer, but you can look at that book for 5 minutes. No more than that."
"Got it!"
And with that, he walked out the room, leaving his cape behind to watch over me. Geez, he really thinks I'm that much of a child doesn't be? Well, not that it mattered, since I had already placed one of my gadgets on the books spine, which currently, was scanning every single page and letting me take all the information I needed. Now I just had to pretend to read it...aaand...done! Scanning was complete. I took off my neat little tech and placed the book back in its place, excited to actually read it when I got home.

That was a few days ago. Was it days? It might have been weeks...I couldn't remember. Things had been so hectic lately with me working on my suits and with Rogers popping up in the news every now and then. If you can call that stuff news that is.
'Steve Rogers seen jogging in skin tight shirt!'
'Captain America with potential girlfriend?'
'How to get as buff as the American dream - Steve Rogers!'
'Captain Rogers shirtless in Washington DC Park?'
Were just some of the ridiculous titles I kept seeing.

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