Smut - Jealously

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Hey it's been a while! I'm nearing the end of my college unit so I've been super busy, as well with family and friends, hope you can understand and I hope you enjoy this one shot! It's super long so I don't know if it counts as a one shot we are!
There's also some stucky in this story, so apologises to anyone who doesn't ship that ^^
With Tony being in the lab all the time, Loki soon seeks attention from others - but when he starts to get a bit more attention than he wanted, it's too much for Tony's jealousy.

[Tony's POV]

Being in my lab for over 6 hours doing work was pretty tiring, but also pretty fun. Testing out new weapons and coming up with new designs, drinking over 10 cups of, speaking of coffee, I needed another cup. Loki had told me to cut down on the caffeine, but as long as I didn't see him while I went up to grab another, I'd be safe.

I exited the elevator hastily, looking in every direction to avoid a scolding from the trickster. But luckily, he was no where to be seen. I made my way towards the kitchen, and started making another drink. Now that I thought about it, I actually did want to see Loki. I missed him, I had been so busy with work and been more focused on coffee than my relationship with did I end up like this?

Speaking of the devil, I heard his wonderful voice, making me smile wider than the time I saw Steve trying to use the an Xbox controller for the first time. I then heard his laugh, and...another voice? Peaking round the corner I could see two shadows walking side by side, then I caught a glimpse of an arm...a metal...arm...


What was he doing with Loki? They had never talked or hung out with one another...or at least I thought. Maybe I was just making a big deal out of all this, Loki had been befriending everyone on the team lately and doing a great job of it, so he's probably just made his way to Bucky and now they're finally on good terms, this was a good thing! More team effort on missions, more bonding on game nights...I'm happy to hear them laughing with each other.

I then saw them walk towards the window, looking down at the city below, making small conversation while Loki drunk some tea and Bucky had a glass of water. Should I walk up to Loki right now and finally talk with him? I mean, it's been so long since we had talked properly, and a cup of coffee wasn't worth this distance between us. I took a step forward, but then stopped when Loki spoke up.

"...walks through the park are so peaceful at this time of year, it's not too cold that it's uncomfortable, but not too warm that every mortal is out and about, running and making noise...ah, excuse me, I haven't got out of my habit of using the term 'mortal' it seems." Loki chuckled, looking at Bucky and giving him a small smile. Bucky replied with a small laugh, facing him as well. "No worries, old habits are hard to get rid of, I understand...I still can't look at Steve, Nat, or Tony because of the way I hurt them when I was under Hydra's control, and I see them every single day in this tower." He sighed and lost his smile completely, looking back outside, but Loki gave him a small nudge with his shoulder.

"Say my friend, would you like to get away from this building and take a walk through the park as I do so? I can assure you that Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff do not go through there. And Tony will most certainly not be there either...he's in his always." My heart sank when I heard that. I wasn't always in the lab! I did stop working at night to see Loki...who was asleep most of the time when I finished up...

I sighed quietly, frowning as I watched the two smile at each other, Bucky nodding and agreeing with his suggestion. A walk in the park together is what friends do...right? It's normal, they just want to get away from the tower, no big deal. "I'd like that. I'll have to let Stevie-" Bucky cleared his throat before continuing. "-I mean, Steve, know where I'm off to though." He told Loki, who replied with a smile. "No problem. I shall meet you back here."

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