Smut - Teach Me, Mr Laufeyson

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I'll have a fanfic from Loki's pov at some point I promise

also all the avengers are young adults, but Loki is the only one who is older, so think of it like it's Avengers Academy but Loki is an adult - it's weird I know :'))

double also - this one is so long I don't think it even counts as a one shot lol
Loki is a teacher in a school full of avengers, and there's one student he's got his eye on - Tony Stark. A troublemaker and a brat, Loki reacts to a certain rumour going around in a way that Tony wouldn't have expected...

[Tony's POV]

"Did you do the work, Tony?" Steve spoke softly.



This time I jumped and turned to him. "What?" I asked, slipping back into reality. "If you stopped daydreaming, you would've heard me the first time." He rolled his eyes, looking back down the hallway we were walking down. I rubbed my neck and yawned. "Sorry Steve, I was thinking of more important things than listening to you lecture me..." "Like what?" He snapped, an annoyed tone in his voice. "Like parties that I have to plan, stuff I'm gonna invent, photos of myself that I'm gonna take- I've nearly finished my repulser you know!"

Steve stopped and stood to the side in the hallway, grabbing my hand and yanking me over. "I know you hate me nagging you and lecturing you, but would you rather have me helping you in my free time or go to some help group where you're stuck in a room with a bunch of teachers for hours on end?" I sighed and looked off. "No, I guess not..." I muttered, fixing my hair and crossing my arms, looking back at Steve. "I just hate learning crap that I'm gonna have no use for! I just wanna invent my stuff and party instead of doing this shit."

"I have to say I'm quite hurt that you think my classes are 'shit', Mr Stark." I spun around to see our teacher, Mr Laufeyson, stood behind us, his arms crossed. Fuck...this was the main reason why I hated this class so much.

The thing is, I could concentrate in my other classes if I put my mind to it, and I could get my work done on time...not to the best standard but...on time at least. But in Mr Laufeyson's class, I couldn't concentrate at all. And it was all his fault. He wore a black under shirt, a black tie, and a black blazer. Black trousers, too. His hair was the same shade, slightly curly and just gently resting on his shoulders. He always wore the same suit...he'd sometimes change it up a little with a green tie, but that's about it. He looked so good, but it pissed me off.

With his arms crossed, the material stretched around his build, just teasing my mind and making me think about what he looked like without all these clothes on. "U-Uh-" I stuttered, trying to come up with a response, but failing miserably. "I hope you plan on joining my lesson, rather than standing out in the hallway all day." His voice was deep and had a low growl to it, but it was also soft and should be illegal to have teachers this sexy, I'm going to fail my exam because of him.

"No Sir, sorry Sir." Steve replied quickly, being the goody-two-shoes that he is. "Sorry." I simply responded, walking into the classroom with Cap. We both went to our seats, which luckily, we could choose. "Hey Janet." I sighed as I slumped into my chair, resting my chin on my arms that were crossed on the table. "Woah, what's up with you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "And it's Wasp, how many times I gotta tell you? Class time is code name time."

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