Visiting Day

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Aurora slowly opened her eyes to white walls and beeping. She sat up, groaning at the soreness in her back. She looked at the tubes that connected her right arm, and the cast on her left. She began trying to rip the tubes from her arms, causing a scuffle from beside her. "Woah! Aurora, calm down!" Michael grabbed her shoulders. "You're okay, it's okay."

"How long have I been out?" Aurora spoke, her voice scratchy from not being used.

"A few days," Michael gave a sad smile. "You should be fine beside your arm now, that will take another two days to heal. It's a good thing you woke up today too, it's visiting day," he looked over at the clock on the wall, "Well in a few hours it is."

Aurora glanced at the clock too, it read 3:30 AM, "So I can leave if I wanted to?"

"Yeah, I just gotta tell the nurse and-" Aurora started ripping the IVs out of her arm again, this time she did it successfully. "Or we can just leave, yeah." Michael mumbled sarcastically.

"What happened to Maya?" Aurora asked moving her legs up to the side of the bed and wobbly trying to walk.

Michael moved over to help her get stable. "Well, Eric fucking chucked her off of you like a rag-doll, it was quite a sight really, and he carried you to the infirmary. Four took Maya somewhere, I don't know what happened. Training was even put on hold yesterday, no one has seen her since." He helped Aurora take her first few steps, but left her Be when he saw she could walk just fine.

"So visitors day is today?" Aurora asked, looking down to her arm in the sling. Whatever technology they used on it must have been working, it barely even hurt.

"Yeah," Michael's voice echoed down the empty corridor. "I hope at least my mom comes."

"My grandpa will probably be here." Aurora sighed, "He'll be the only one."

"I know the feeling," Michael nodded, "My parents didn't really agree with my decision."

"I don't think any parent is happy when their kids switch factions." Aurora figured. "Especially if they're likely to be killed."

Michael chuckled and rubbed his eye, still a bit groggy from just waking up. "Well, yeah, I guess you're right." He stretched his arms over his head and laid on Aurora's shoulder, "I don't think I can go back to sleep, I'm sure some people get up this early, maybe there's coffee in the dining hall?"

"If not we can make our own..." Aurora trailed off as she brushed her hand through her hair. "I know what we can do," she turned to Michael and made scissors with her fingers, "Snip snip."

Michael gasped, "Yes! I almost cut it in your sleep. When Maya pulled it I almost fought her myself."

The sound of water flooded Aurora's ears, the coldness making her jump as Michael washed the bleach from her hair. "I still don't think this was necessary." Aurora said, but her words were drowned out by the water.

As soon as Michael finished he threw a towel on her head so she couldn't see the mirror. "You can't look yet, but trust me, it looks great."

"Why blonde though?" Aurora asked as Michael towel dried her hair.

"Because it looks hot!" Michael chuckled before letting her hair fall. The unfamiliar feeling of hair tickling her collarbone made Aurora shiver.

She got up and walked towards the mirror, taking it all in, "Woah."


When the two went to breakfast, everyone seemed to be staring. Aurora didn't know if it was because of her hair, or her arm. She got her tray of fruit and a bagel and went to sit in her usual spot, right in front of Eric. His eyes lit up when he saw her walking towards him, but his face stayed stoic. "You're awake." He states as Aurora set her tray down.

"You don't have to pretend your not happy to see me." Aurora joked. "I'm alive."

"Don't joke like that," Eric whispered sternly, "I was worried sick. Do you know how-"

Eric stopped when Michael sat his tray next to Aurora, "Oh, don't mind me. Please continue your lovers quarrel."

"You told him?" Eric asked, eyebrows raised.

"I-" Aurora began, but Michael cut her off, saving her from a lecture.

"I found it out, but don't worry I won't tell anyone." Michael whispered, chewing slowly on his granola bar.

Eric sighed, looking down at whatever he was working on and nodded, "Well I'm glad you woke up today. I know this is important to you."

Aurora nodded while crunching down on her toast, "When are the families coming?"

"Right after breakfast," Eric stood gathering up his papers and giving a curt nod. "Well, I have some stuff to do to prepare for our guests arrival, so I will see you both later." He gave Aurora a look before leaving the table.

The two ate in silence till Eric was out of earshot, "Is it just me or was he acting weird?" Aurora asked and Michael nodded.

Someone passing by must have heard her because a woman stopped at their table. "His father is coming today."

Aurora's mouth formed into an 'o' while Michael chuckled, "Even Eric has daddy issues." He joked, "Is this whole faction people with family problems or..?" He trailed off, eyebrows raised.

The woman just rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing. Aurora finished her food, her oatmeal disappearing into her stomach. Michael waited for her to finish, as he only had an apple, granola bar, and a cup of orange juice.

As she put her tray into the wash pile she saw people streaming out of the mess hall. Hearing laughter and shouts of joy, Aurora moved to see what was happening. Michael followed, curious as well. Eric was right, families crowded into the Dauntless HQ. That's when she saw him, slowly making his way toward her, cane in hand. Her grandfather had come! And behind him was the smiling face of her mother.

Her father was nowhere to be seen.


Where do you guys think Maya went?
Answer this in the comments! I'm really interested to read your thoughts.

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