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>because i miss my #phunnoh  T_T.  White doesn't have the best voice and he hates to this rare moments that he did sing are way too precious and really makes me so happy. And damn ...that shy smile and ohh those eyes......>


We took our own sweet time for the sky has already darkened by the time we came back. We talked about a lot things. Well most likely Yoru talks and I listen. He is fun to be with and I like how enthusiast he is on the way he talks about random things. It amazes me that somehow we share the same ideals on certain things.  That was by far the longest conversation I had with someone I just know.

The warm bonfire blazes against the darkness of the night. Uncle Susu sat on northern side with the guests on his left while his wife and children were seated on the right side. The rest of the tribe completes the big circle surrounding the bonfire. There were singing and lively chatting around. A long rectangle wooden tables just about a foot tall were placed in front adorned with lovely island dishes Auntie Ple had especially made for us.

I greeted everyone and squatted on an empty space in between P'First and P' Pern. Doc Nhat is seated right next to Uncle Susu, then P'First, P'Pern and Nong Jean.

"Where have you been Nong", P'Pern asked. "We waited for you".

"Ohh—so sorry. I had to make a call.", I apologize immediately.

"Ow...that's okay but too bad who couldn't come. Nong Night took us to a walk by the sea.", P' First butts into our conversation. "I caught these fishes" , his voice beaming with pride. " you know..with these bare hands",he added lifting those  limbs proudly.

"Really?", I exclaimed in amazement. We don't usually experience those kind of things. Those fishes, we usually just buy them directly  from the market and I usually saw them on the dining table, fully cook and ready to eat, he he he.

"Not really Nong Phun, he is exaggerating. They were already in the nets. We just help pull them up. Even Nong Jean did it ", P' Pern clarified much to P' First's dismay.  I laugh out when Nong Jean proudly lifts  her slender arms up, imitating P' First gesture.

"Aw..Why did you have to ruin it", P' First complains, earning a hearty laugh from the rest of us.

"Will you go back with us tomorrow ?", he then asked.

"No, P. I'll like to stay and help out in the renovation", I smiled at him.

"That's good then. Dr.  Nhat will be staying too. I do want to stay too but my patients are waiting for me", P' First said regretfully.

"Yah, me too.", P'Pern seconded.

"Aww. I wish I could stay too but I only got a five-day leave", Nong Jean cutely pouted  and smiled sadly.

"That's okay, Nong. You already have help a lot ",I reassured her.

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