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The soft sound of birds' chirping reached my ears, awakening my senses. I stirred and slowly opened my sleepy eyes. The neon blinking number three and thirty from a small digital clock catches my wavering eyesight. So I've fallen asleep waiting for Noh. I quickly turned to the other side to see if someone's sleeping beside me.

 But still no one here.Just a cold empty space.

So..Noh had not returned yet and its almost dawn already. I furrowed my brows, I started to get worried. The chirping sound from the clock continues insanely. I reaches out to push the stop button when my hand felt a piece of paper sticking on the button instead.

"FOLLOW THE SHELLS", somehow my groggy brain was able to read the printed bold letters on the note.

I scrunched my face as I surveyed the dark room." What shells? ",I asked myself.I turned the bedside lamp on and found a pristine white shell lying right by the floor. There's another one lying about two meter away. I got up and turn on all of the lights. True indeed, a trail of white shells leads to the door.

"What is going on?" I stared back at the tiny note I had in my hand. I didn't know what this is but I'll let the shells led the way. I put on my jacket, pocketed my phone and took the solar lamp with me. I shivered a little as the cold morning breeze touches my face. The surrounding is quiet and dark. The island is still fast asleep although a few bungalows kept their lights on.

The trail of shells continued and it brought me by the seashore before the track turned right. I looked around to see if there is even one single person here other than me, but there's none. The trail stretched farther ahead. I felt like Jack following a trail of bread crumbs. I just hope there won't be a wicked witch by the end of this trail. But something tells me, there won't be any. There was no fear in my heart. In fact, this quest is both intriguing and exciting. I put all of my attention to the ground and entrust  all of my faith following the shells. I was not even looking up,  I kept track on to the next shell there is. I was afraid the waves might wash some of it away. The bright luminous moonlight helped a lot, it easier to see the white shells as it sparkles underneath the moon's beam.

I don't know how far I've gone but I knew I've walked for a while now. I was following the shells straight ahead. Until finally I found myself staring down at a group of white shells that spells ""LOOK AHEAD". I followed and what lies before me is a neat row of lighted candles placed in a coconut shells. It's  creating a beautiful lighted path ahead .What's more fascinating, is that the lights seems to go higher as it goes father, it almost seems like  floating candles in the air.

Smitten, I followed the lighted path taking my time admiring the ingenuity of the craft. The sky is starting to have a shade of orange, preparing to welcome a brand new day. I held my breath as I drew closer to where the lights seem to go up. 

I gasp. I knew this place.

The weirdly-shaped rock materialized within my sight. The cove. Noh's favorite place here in the island. My smile widen as my heart beams with excitement. My gut  is telling me, something good is waiting for me at the summit. I begin to ascend, maneuvering my steps along the sharp edges of the rocks.

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