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A soft knock by the door pulled me out from my deep thoughts. I turned by attention towards the door when I heard the knob clicked.  A head peep through displaying that warmth smile i knew too well. My lips automatically crunched upward to mirror such warm greeting. I got up from my seat to welcome my guest.

"P', I made you some snacks", Nong Pang happily says as she lifts up a tray she had been carrying. "eat with me, nah..please..."

"Of course", I smiled at her, pat her hair lightly and widely opened the door for her. I took the tray from her hand and  lead her towards the balcony to where I was previously been hanging around. I placed the tray by the table and pull out a chair for my sister.

The smell of freshly baked muffin whiffed through the air as i lift  the cover up paired with a nice cold lemonade.

"so..Saturday??", she asked with a hint of sadness in her voice after a few minutes of silenty enjoying our food.

"yeah". I nodded without looking at her.

"i thought you'd stay longer in Koh Phayam. You seem to have enjoyed your stay there".

" was beautiful. Something i won't forget".

"I was actually hoping the island could change your mind and gave you a enough reason to stay.", she said with a sad smile.

I reached out to her and held her hand in mine. I heard her sigh that I have to turn. She looked at me with those sad eyes. 

"You can still visit me", I smiled at her to cheer her up.

Nong Pang just looked at me in silence. She knew my plan right from the start. I only came home for her wedding. Though surprising things happened along the way, it does not change my original plan. Bangkok is no longer a home for me.

If it's for me, i should have been back in the States two days ago. But I made a promise to this sister of mine that I'll wait on her return from their honeymoon. And she even made arrangement to book my flight on a weekend. She think i'll fly directly as soon they  arrive (which was plan, by the way) but i was outsmarted by this lady.

I was relieved when the newly weds finally return. The house been exceptionally quite with just the three of us these past two days. Having meal is like one in the military, we hardly ever talk. It was so different from before. I guess my sister must have sense it since they decided to stay by the house till i return.

"I can't change your mind, right P?", Pang asked me. I know she'll try to convinced me to stay.

"Hey, don't be such a clingy sister. You're married now. You spend time with your husband and give Mom and dad a grandson or granddaughter. You know I can't give it to them", I joke on her.

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