Mcsm characters in summer

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Jesse - *Dying from heat-stroke, lays down in the middle of random rooms while groaning and asking people to turn on the fan*

Petra - *Adventuring as much as she can before the flippin' mosquitoes get her*

Lukas - *Turning on the fan for Jesse and fanning himself with his book, trying to invent ways to cool them down and failing miserably*

Ivor - *Screaming at the sun for giving him a sunburn while Petra laughs at him*

Does anyone else miss when these four were the main characters? I mean, I love Jack and Nurm and Radar and LLuna, and I miss Axel and Olivia, but...just, these four. I love them so much.

Jack - *Also adventuring*

Nurm - *Sets up a little ice-cream shop while tending to the Adventure Emporium*

Radar - *Drowning himself in sunscreen, wants to go to the beach but gets scared by everything, wants to organize the town but can't*

LLuna - *Dying*

~Mc story mode stuff 4 :DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora