MCSM fanfic prompts

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Hey I came up with a bunch of prompts for mcsm fics if anyone wants to use them!
My only ask is that you credit me if you do use any of these ideas

- Write about Ivor and Harper's adventures in the portal network and how Ivor became a ninja. Add as much Harpvor as you desire.

- What happened before Radar lived in BeaconTown, and when he used to work for Stella in Champion City? How was living there?

- Write about the two guards in s2 episode 4. What do they do in their spare time, how do they like guarding? Most likely a short story.
- (Actually maybe make a oneshot book just for secondary characters! That'd be so fun holy crap ahh-)

- Hadrian and Mevia's games before Jesse's gang showed up, when it was in it's early days and terrifying. Show it from the perspective of someone who seems insignificant at first, just playing and only good enough to stay alive, and then reveal they were the inspiration for Tim all along. Why are they the inspiration for Tim? You decide!

- Axel and Olivia's many adventures in BoomTown and Redstonia. They have the Redstonia Ball coming up and how they have put that on. They're setting up, and suddenly, the two worlds seem to collide - literally - and the two seem to have to go on an adventure to un-fuse their two worlds. Why are their worlds fused? You decide!

- The various fun adventures of the old Order, or even better add in a high school AU. Shipping is encouraged but not mandatory. I just see the old Order being the popular gang in school and that to me is hilarious. Or have them just graduate and be awkward room-mates or something idk-

- Taking place during the Witherstorm's short but deadly reign, we go through an unknown person's eyes who can't seem to remember anything. They're quickly dragged from the battle scene by someone shouting their name. "Petra!/Gabriel!" Who's that? 

- What if PAMA had chipped Jesse and essentially won? 
- Alternatively, what if any of the villains won? The Admin? The Witherstorm? Write a one-shot book of if different 

- Just straight-up make a season three! What happens after the ending of s2? 

- All of the different types of Jesse's meet each-other. They all seem cool with each-other coexisting until one of the Jesses tries to take over the main Jesse's life, killing any other Jesse that gets in their way. 

- Do a shipping fic of literally whoever you want together. Make it super fluffy and adorable. But then, in the middle of the chaos, another alternate ship shows up and demands to know why one-half of the pair is with someone else.

- They all end up turning into monsters during an adventure, with strange new mob-related powers. Petra can now teleport, Jesse suddenly craves the taste for brains, and Lukas can suddenly only appear during the night and fly. (I mean I kinda wanna do this one now man-)

- Each new chapter is if a new villain of the series ended up winning and what happened after. 

-Literally everything's switched in episode 6. The YouTubers are all working together to kill off Cassie and Torquedawg, who stole a valuable creeper head from them once and are now being protected by the main characters.

Unfortunately, the order thinks they're both lying, and instead promise to protect the YouTubers. Uh oh...

- Lukas writing in his journal just some stories, but they start to come true. He decides to bring the order together again, and they do! Everything's going well, until things are starting to get written by themselves, and those things are coming true. Who's writing in it?

- Jesse dies in episode 8 in the first challenge, and it's up to Lukas, Petra, and Ivor to get everyone home safe and sound.

- Lukas and Ivor, while on an adventure together,  end up finding a secret society underneath the earth that likes to steal. Unfortunately, they get kidnapped and must answer various trivia questions in order to leave.

- A ship fic where the two shipped have to go through the intense arena thing together, and one of them ends up seriously injured. They rest in the little shack, but they didn't kill the fire golem, and it's escaped...

Anyways that's all for now but a lot of these sound super fun! If none of you take these ideas I'll gladly write them lol 

Anyways byeee I promise I'll be more active sssooooonnn....

- Dawson 

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