1. The Unwanted Encounter | Mafia Series

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As you observed, the man leisurely sipped his coffee, engrossed in the pages of a newspaper. Aged around 50 or 60, his hair displayed shades of gray, and wrinkles adorned his face. Despite his senior status, he possessed a loveliness that was quite remarkable for a man of his age.

A waiter from the café approached his table, drawing his attention. The man greeted the server with a broad smile as she brought him his meals. Through his mouth movements, it was evident that he was expressing gratitude before they parted ways. Despite the man's outward kindness and pleasant demeanor, it's a reminder not to judge a book by its cover.

In his true identity, he serves as the leader of a gang. Without any known relatives and being an only child, he took a dark turn by committing the heinous act of murdering his parents and assuming a leadership role in the criminal organization. He displayed a blatant greed for power.

According to available data, numerous members under his command mysteriously vanished, and many reports suggested that he showed little concern or effort in addressing these disappearances. This lack of regard for his henchmen raised concerns, as a mafia leader's strength is closely tied to the loyalty and stability of his followers. There is a significant possibility that he callously betrayed his associates, potentially selling them to their demise, all while maintaining a facade of normalcy in his daily life.

Now, it's time for retribution. He is your mark, and you'll ensure he witnesses the face of the angel of death.

Cruelty is a facet of everyone's existence, including yours. Faced with the harsh realities of life, survival becomes paramount. Opting for a career as an assassin for a livelihood might seem extreme, yet it has been your chosen path for an extended period. The reasons behind this decision have become hazy in your memory, but it has become the defining aspect of your current way of life. Too late to go back now.

Your most recent client has already compensated you generously, and your sole objective at the moment is to eliminate the individual.

Observing him quietly, you took a sip of your coffee, anticipating his departure from the cafe. Your left hand discreetly checked the dagger secured on your thigh. Confirming its presence, your hand subtly traced the outline of your gun at the back of your jeans. Swiftly returning your hand to your lap, you aimed to avoid raising any suspicion.

After the man completed his meal, he rose from his table and left the cafe. Mirroring his actions, you trailed him as he entered a familiar alley leading to his presumed 'home base.'

The passage lay vacant, with only the two of you present. You quickened your pace to approach, deftly clutching your blade—a prudent choice for a quiet elimination, sparing precious bullets.


Before you could take any action, a man emerged seemingly out of nowhere and quietly shot your intended target. In reflex, you swiftly grabbed your gun, aiming it at the well-dressed gentleman who, in turn, pointed his silenced firearm back at you.

A hushed tension lingered between the two of you as both attempted to grasp the unfolding scenario. Slowly, you repositioned your dagger on the sash, keeping your gaze fixed on him. Unable to resist, you found yourself discreetly assessing him.

His silver hair complements his pristine, fair complexion and striking visage. Adorned in a white turtleneck shirt, distressed jeans, a lengthy black overcoat, and glossy black boots, he cuts a stylish figure. With a robust and tall physique, his appearance could easily captivate any onlooker, leaving them in admiration.

You mentally shook yourself to snap out of your reverie, only to realize he was also sizing you up. A slight chuckle escaped you, finding amusement in the mutual exchange of appraisals.

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