Trust in Love? | Best Friend

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[A/N: Time for other imagines! Hope you like it!]

requested by: @cheolliesvt17

Gripping your books tighter, you strolled to the benches outside your university building. Your eyes searching swiftly across the seats before finding someone you want.

Seungcheol waited for you to walk over with a warm smile on his face. He noticed how your cheeks and nose are flushed red because of how cold the air outside. The strings of your bag have sagged from your shoulders but he knows you don't give the slightest care since you will always take it off afterward. He knows fixing them back on your shoulders made you feel annoyed and he quotes, 'wasting too much energy'. As you approaching him with pouted lips, he immediately knows something has irritated you.

You sat down with a huff, slamming the books on the table and just as he predicted, you took off your bag and carelessly abandon it on the ground. Crossing your arms, you looked at your best friend still with the pout on your lips.

"Uh-oh, who ruined your mood today?" Seungcheol leaned forward, chuckling as you sighed dramatically.

"I made a mistake by sitting on the chair behind some couple who thought making out with each other will help them with an upcoming test next week."

Seungheol lifted his eyebrow mockingly, "Something tells me that you're not upset about the upcoming test."

You lifted your hand in the air, widened your eyes in effect. "Do they have to act lovey-dovey in front of me? Can't they find a private place before shoving their tongues into their throats? Do they really have to do it in public?"

Seungcheol smirked, "It not their fault that you decided to sit behind them."

Groaning, you let your arms fell limply on your side and placed your head on the table between both of your benches.

Your best friend may have a smirk on his face, showing to you that he is amused, but his real emotion is far from being it. His heart feels heavy with sadness as he stared at your slumping figure.

You and Seungcheol have known each other since high school. Being partners in a simple history project has brought you both attached hip to hip. The word 'attached', however, has different meanings for both of you.

Seungcheol feels attached to you because he loves you.

The signs are clear for everyone else to see how he deeply fell in love with you; the way he stares at you as you talk with him or with someone else; the way his eyes lightened up with joy when you're around him; the way he observed you with awe when you laugh; the way he becomes protective over you; the way he will drop everything when you ask him for help; the way he takes care of you when you're sick or when you're sad.

But sadly, he knows that you looked up to him just as your best friend.

He got friend-zoned indeed.

Once, at the end of the high school year, you had a boyfriend. It crushed Seungcheol as he has to go to school and watched you with someone else. It was hard for him to wake up every day, realizing that you had fallen in love with other men.

But it hurt him more to watch you broke down for the first time. The bastard cheated and left you crying without an explanation.

Seungcheol left everything just to hold you that night. He's on your side with every tear you let out since that day. He listened to your every single word as you cried and try his best to comfort you.

Choi Seungcheol ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now