All Start With The Collab

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request by: RoseWP22

"I missed having a collab with them." Your youngest member, Michelle, stated as she stared the video of Seventeen.

You raised your eyebrow at her, "You missed them?"

"Well, yeah. They are handsome, attractive, funny, cheerful, and-and handsome." She listed off with her fingers.

"You said handsome already." You pointed out with amused tone. She glared at you but then shrugged, "Well, you know my point."

"Well, I heard that they won Bonsang Award." One of your members said. She was playing with her phone as she came into the conversation. "And I kinda proud of them, ya know. They deserve it."

You hummed in agreement as you continue to watch their videos. The part of Seungcheol doing his smirk on his part came up and made your heart beat a little faster. You snapped away from your gaze from the screen when Michelle nudged you.

"Stop admiring your boyfriend, Y/N. We have job to do." Michelle giggled. She took her perform jacket and wear it while giving you teasing gaze.

You glared at her before adjusting your ear-monitor, "He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends." All of the members groaned which made you laughed. "Seriously, nothing happened between us."

The oldest member, Eun Ae, stepped forward to stand beside you and gave you a smirk, "I doubt it." She pointed her thumb towards her back, "Seventeen have just finished their performance. Go and say hi to Seungcheol," Not before long she added, "And his members of course."

You glanced at their direction for a second before you looked back at Eun Ae, "Do I have to? I mean, we--"

"Hey Y/N."

A smirk on Eun Ae made your blood rushed to your cheeks and a wink from her made you glared at her playfully. When she went to the others, you turned around to face the person. "Hey S.Coups."

Seungcheol stared at you with his signature smile. He was sweating a little bit but it didn't change his attractive appearance. He was using blue eye contact and his lips was coated with red color.

He pulled of his ear monitor, "Are you going to perform? What song?"

You nodded, "Yeah, [Song Name]." You hesitated but finally stepped closer to him before smiling at him, "Congratulation with your winning by the way. You all deserve it with all of your hard works."

Seungcheol's eyes lit up in happiness, "Thanks Y/N. I really appreciate it." He glanced at his members before he stared at you again, "Listen, we actually want to celebrate our winning and we didn't mind if you -I mean your group to join us."

You widened your eyes before shaking your head no rapidly, "No, no. This is your group celebration. We didn't want to interrupt anything." You glanced at Seungkwan who started to noticed that you were having conversation with their leader, "Besides, I think it would be awkward if we come."

"Y/G/N? With Seventeen? Awkward?" Seungcheol chuckled amusedly, "Yeah, never happened."

You grinned at him, "True, true." Someone called you from behind, mentioning you that you need to get prepared with your members for the performance. "I need to go, duty calls. I'll inform you later about the celebration."

The man in front of you nodded rather sadly, "Well, good luck then. See you later Y/N."

You have already walked towards your members but you gave him a waved goodbye. After having a little teasing from your members, you all went to the stage.

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