Trust in Him | Best Friend

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[ya'll really thirsty for the mafia series but i gotta publish this first. hope ya'll enjoy it!]

You watched Seungcheol carefully as he slept on the hospital bed. He has yet woke up but the doctor said he probably will in a few hours. You've been sitting right beside the bed since he got moved here and didn't dare to leave. You want to be right beside him right when he's awake.

It's really frustrating when the doctor refused to tell you anything about Seungcheol's condition. You asked a billion times, demanding to know what happened to your best friend but the doctor kept persistent.

"It's not my place to tell." The doctor reasoned to you.

Not his place to tell? He's the freaking doctor!

Jeonghan and Joshua came into the hospital right before you can threaten the doctor and calmed you down. 

You watched Seungcheol with Joshua as Jeonghan talked with Seuncgheol's parents on the phone. The doctor said he probably will wake up in a few hours so you don't want to leave the hospital until he wakes up. 

You looked at Jeonghan as he ended the call with a sigh. He walked closer to the bed and answer your questioning stare. "They will come to visit but they didn't tell me when. They ask me to tell you if you can take care of Seungcheol until they came, Y/N."

Frowning, you nodded before seeing your eyes back to sleeping Seungcheol.

How can I take care of Seungcheol if I don't even know what's wrong with him?

You glanced at Jeonghan and Joshua as they made a light conversation randomly. They could've known but they could also as clueless as you. You grab your chance to clear up your previous suspicion.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" You asked carefully, anticipating their reaction.

They looked at you as you asked. Joshua took a peek at Jeonghan and immediately divert his eyes somewhere else when Jeonghan gave him a glare. But you catch on quickly.

You crossed your arms, "Tell me."

"We don't know what you are talking about," Joshua said carefully but refused to meet your eyes. "We don't know anything."

"Liar." You snapped, narrowing your eyes menacingly, "You can't even look at me."

Jeonghan sighed, patted Seungcheol leg before turning to you, meeting your glare. He smiled instead, "Let's talk outside shall we?"

He didn't wait for your answer and grabbed your arm, dragging you with him as he went out of the room. When the door shuts, you pulled away from his grip harshly.

"You tell me now," You demanded, taking a threatening step to him, and glared straightly at his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong with him. Tell me what the hell happened to Cheolie!"

Jeonghan just stared at you, not giving away any emotion. He didn't say anything but he softly called your name when your anger turns into sadness and your eyes watered. 

"Please," You whispered weakly as tears run down your cheeks, "There must be something wrong with him. He barely remembers his schedule, his stuff. He's zoned out so many times. He has headaches almost every day! And now he suddenly passed out without any logical reasons! The doctor didn't give me any information and now you too!"

You breathed in and out heavily, trying to control your emotions. Jeonghan stared at you almost sadly as you ranted out your feelings. 

"It hurts to see him laying on that bed. Seungcheol is not the kind of person that falls sick easily, I know it. So, please. Please," You wiped your tears away, looking at Jeonghan pleadingly, "Tell me what's wrong with my Cheolie."

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