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THE EARTH WAS DYING. Word spread of a deadly virus outbreak amongst the western states of the U.S. starting in Utah before slowly traveling across the country, and over time, the world. It spread like wildfire, and by the time the world was able to react accordingly, a quarter of the population had already been wiped out; those who contacted the disease turned on their loved ones and attacked the Pure Ones—those who had yet to be contaminated.

When the virus was first leaked, people panicked as news of Ignisa was fiercely spread throughout the remaining states. To keep the peace, an organization who called themselves Agcorp rose into power and ruled the streets.

Thankfully, the virus wasn't air-born and only spread through contact. With that knowledge, cities were built for the Pure Ones created with massive steel walls surrounding the whole city that stood over a hundred feet tall. With Agcorp's rule and the destruction of the economy, the cities were divided into four separate classes to keep the peace. The Upper, Middle, Lower Class, and Slums—the place where the poorest were brought in to live.

The first three years was anything but easy for most people, but Agcorp had figured out a way to annihilate Ignisa ... that was until the virus morphed and adapted to the cure and was no longer treatable. Ignisa began to over run several of the fifty remaining cities, and many more people were lost. The cures that had been created to bring hope to their dying world turned out to be insufficient, but that wouldn't stop Claire Agard from searching for the world's savior.

Claire, the leader of Agcorp, discovered that if you used the blood of someone with a special ability—a power that showed up in one out of fifty people—it could be used to create their cure. A cure that this time, she was certain would be the solution to their problems, but the blood she was able to obtain was never enough. There had been a case to reach the news that told of the victory of curing two young people, but Claire always needed more blood.

Their blood was special. Contained inside the bloodstream of someone with a special ability was Toxicoma, the most important ingredient needed for the cure, an ingredient Claire was never able to obtain until now. Her only problem ... it didn't produce fast enough. In order to save a life, one would have to be taken. There was only enough Toxicoma in a person's body to save one. She needed to produce a higher production of Toxicoma in order to save the world, and through her studies and experiments, she discovered that the more fear and anguish someone with a special ability experienced, the quicker and higher the rate of Toxicoma would develop. There was now enough in one person's body to cure at least five, but no matter what, Claire always needed more.

With twenty cities being wiped off the map, she was getting desperate. Out of the last remaining thirty cities, Claire made a decree that the people who lived there were commanded to report any signs of someone having a special ability. If they did so, they were rewarded by moving up a class and handed a load of money. For some it worked, and Agcorp received many people, but for others ... well, they weren't turning over their friends or loved ones so easily. Those who resisted were the ones that saw Agcorp as a tyrant and rose against them, but nothing ever came of their mutiny.

Claire's desperation turned into anger for the people with special abilities, and after learning that Toxicoma had a higher rate of production when fear and pain was involved, she created three Domes, each holding a set of tough trials for the participants to be tormented into giving her the blood she needed.

As Agcorp's rule rose, they became the most feared people in the world. What had gone from being people willing to donate blood for Claire's experiments, had turned into people with special abilities being hunted liked animals, and once caught they were sent directly into the Domes where Agcorp could suck them dry.

Rumors spread of Claire Agard's obsession over ruthlessly searching for one particular person, one young woman who was supposed to save them all, the one who could produce an infinite amount of Toxicoma and become the world's salvation.

Some people lived peacefully amongst these cities for years whilst others feared what would become of them and the world outside the walls. 

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